I was sleeping and then I wasn’t. I felt as if I was to get up and do something. It is 11:30 at night. And then I began to see it. The transition. And then I saw this. The HERO’S JOURNEY. What? What is that?
Today I have been trying to clear decks, work on my message for Village Church this Sunday and get some things done for my house related stuff.
I have been working on my interrupted process book, but have slowed a little in light of VBS last week, working on the house and tremendous heat! Another chapter for the prophetic manual.
The house is going into the final stages for Tina and I. It is truly an emotional time for us. It is the end of a dream. Time will tell the results. I struggle with the gossip from misinformed people and the bumpercar mentality of some.
Looking forward to the next few weeks to seeing old friends and family.
Do not despise community to preserve your weirdness or pet doctrine. Community is where we are fitly joined together… sometimes with dynamite and bulldozers required. It is hard to learn honor in a vacuum.Continue reading The Need For Healthy Strong Church Community→
Being a prophet is something like putting out a new car color.
Recently, in the community I live in I see a lot of weird green cars by a Korean manufacturer Kia. Part of me jokes and says, “can you imagine being a marketing guy for a car company and saying let’s pick a really ugly color and see how long before it hits.” Continue reading Marketing Life To The Majority→
How you see grace will determine how you walk out life. I see too many who want grace but do not give grace. True grace will not only work in your life, but in your relationships, your circumstances and in your “I don’t feel it times.”
Over the week of Vacation Bible School we had the opportunity to see an area of hospitality put into action. That area was putting a sizable quantity of food out for hungry young children and keeping everything running. Continue reading Hospitality-It is not about you→
In the community I lived in there was a very wealthy man. Selfmade he was. He came up from the ranks of being a machinist and cook. He learned the value of money and he learned to be very good at. So good that he was one of the wealthier businessmen and real estate owners in the community. He made wise decisions with money. He made wise decisions with people. He gave, he honored and he did it well. Continue reading Fear How Bad It Is→
When I want a hamburger, I do not go to a salad bar. (And vice versa.)
When I want Ford, I do not go to GM.
And when I want grace, I do not go to the law.
When I seek freedom I do not seek religion.
Not sure why so many think grace is not Jesus. Or why they would settle for mixture.
If I want to grow, it is not the law that will provide.
I plant myself firmly in the arms of grace.
Like many I watched the trial of George Zimmerman. Unlike many, I had followed it from before the arrest. My issue is not which side you or I are on. Here are two young men, who have changed lives. One dead, the other most likely to be pursued for the rest of his life. There is no “innocence” here. A trial is a trial. The answer the answer. Do not presume you know which side I am “on.” You probably do not. I have had a number of people work to engage me. I am more concerned with where we go from here. Continue reading Young Men and A Fatherless Generation→
I think it is funny that so many are willing to say “I can’t do it your way” but when provoked as to what their way is, have no place to point to, no foundation to move from.
Over the years I have watched many who want to tell me what they are “unable” to do while setting stagnant. Unmoved. Let me help you with a few things. First “my way” was never my way. I was not looking for God and I was convinced He was not looking for me. Second His way still isn’t “my way.” I am consistently finding He loves me so much that He will not leave me here and delights in moving me more His way. Continue reading How Big Is Your God? His Kindness Leads To Repentance→