Pick Up A Toothpick!


Armed with not much more than a tooth pick he went to war. What would cause a man to defend or to engage in warfare of this sort? Obviously overpowered he won. 600 men dead in his wake.

Sometimes the people you meet will surprise you beyond your wildest imagination.

Judges 3:31 After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel. Continue reading Pick Up A Toothpick!

Laughter & You (Or Maybe Me!)


stoogesYep, shorthand for laughter, but it does not properly plumb the depth of the experience. I like to laugh. Ask any friend or family member. I think life is pretty unserious in light of the goodness and greatness. I also think laughter destroys the work of the enemy which is to make you feel pain and lose your joy.

Admittedly when things get tough I look to comedies to change my thinking. I will watch The Three Stooges, Dennis The Menace and other old B&W comedies. And laugh. And laugh some more. Continue reading Laughter & You (Or Maybe Me!)

A Dream On Stewardship

trumpetRide in a limo? Airplanes?

(This will be a long read! Please bear with me.)

Last night one of my dreams took place in front of our church fellowship, The Village Church. In the dream many people were inside the school wing and there was an opportunity to participate in helping get the new limousine ready to bless folks with.

A little back ground on me and limousines. When we had our church fellowship I was preparing to buy a limousine for the church. Not a new one but a nice one. (It even had a hot tub in the back!) My reason was (Other than it was kind of cool…) that I would chauffeur people for anniversaries and birthday parties in the church. And do special things to celebrate successes. Take elderly people shopping. (My wife tells me it was a better idea than the army tank I was going to buy.) But, “cooler” heads prevailed and I was asked to not do that.

The other little background is the road that leads to our fellowship was recently redone including a new bridge and the leveling of the road. (Proverbs 3:6) I see this as preparation.  (Our church building is not on the main drag.)

Continue reading A Dream On Stewardship

Why I Don’t Believe in Rules

Tina to the rescue
Tina to the rescue

Yep. That’s me. No rules.

I hate rules.

I am a believer in small government, trust in God and helping others. Rules do not make it for me. Laws do not make people better. Taxes do not cause people to be better givers. And I do not need the government to help me help others.

I was not always that way. For instance giving for me was difficult thing. (Having any joy over anything was hard.) Becoming a believer in Christ changed that for me. But I struggled with the rules about giving. Now I just give because I want to. Not because I believe I have to or I ought to. (If you want to tithe or give imputed offerings that is your deal.) Continue reading Why I Don’t Believe in Rules

Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

Protesting global warming
Protesting global warming

Chicken Little I am not.

Chionophobia- Fear of snow

I get nervous when people start calling for safety over sanity. Have you ever read the warning labels companies are forced to affix to a product? All that “research”, legal mumbo-jumbo and added paper costs you money. These are but a couple…

  • “Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet.” — In the information booklet.
  • “Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish.” — On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.
  • “For external use only!” — On a curling iron.
  •  “Do not drive with sunshield in place.” — On a cardboard sunshield that keeps the sun off the dashboard.
  • Label (on website): Do not eat.
    Product: Apple’s iPod shuffle

Continue reading Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

A Friend Falls In His Life

ForgiveWhen I was a child I had a friend. A year older than me I met him through school when I moved to the small rural community. He and I had a lot of similar hobbies and interests. Recently I was reading about his death.

The topic of his death came up in a Facebook  thread I had been looking at. Someone was complaining about the past. About school, about teachers and parents. As I watched what I realized was this person was looking for a wrong to be righted.

My friend did not just die. He died many years ago. Over 40 years ago. The people on the thread wanted to extract justice from people who were dead. People who had done things to them. To others. Continue reading A Friend Falls In His Life

A Murder…Will We Choose Life?

skd284403sdcThe other night I had a dream. In the dream I walked into a room where someone had been murdered, killed in cold blood. I was in a large windowed room. Many floors above a city. Hardwood floors, white walls, large windows. No furniture in my view. Empty, except for the blood splattered floor and a long white extension cord.

Who has dreams about murder? I have only had a few in 20 plus years, but when I do I look for the message. I do not get weird about it or suspect someone’s impending death.

I continued to watch the room. I felt that I was to move the cord to another outlet. To set a trap for someone who I thought was going to come in. I unplugged the cord and I moved it across the room. I left that room. Apparently I had some other things to do. Continue reading A Murder…Will We Choose Life?

Holidays, You And The Single Parent

$50 billOne man owes the woman over $40,000 in child support for two young children. Another pays no child support and blows through the monies of parents. Children who never see their dads because their dads make choices not to see them. The injustice!

I don’t know about you but those circumstances set me on edge. They have the potential to make me angry and have from time to time.

Single parents with no one else in their life frequently struggle. I know from personal experience. I look with great pain at various Facebook posts that indicate single parenting is not easy. Whether by choice or circumstance being the “one” in a child’s life is hard. Continue reading Holidays, You And The Single Parent

In A New Season

Don’t lose your vision.

I am in a new season of my life. So many things have changed in the last year. Only a little more than a year ago I was in the publishing business. Then mysterious illness overtook me. One day I was up and the next day I was violently ill. It caused me to not be able to go ahead in what I was doing.

The next year was pretty crazy and here I am. Sickness was caused environmentally so moving resolved it, but I had a lot of time to think.

What I am finding and being encouraged in is something new. It has to do with where I fellowship and what I do. Team building and education are two of the big parts. Continue reading In A New Season