Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

indian lake 1In a few short weeks my family and I will go away to the Adirondacks. Our first Johndrow vacation. Children and their children. On a lake with a boat and a beach.

So often in the world of Christianity, we have forgot the nature of having fun, times of respite and the over riding desire of family to be together. Continue reading Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

Grace For All The Right Reasons

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

It is the day of grace. Grace. The man of Jesus. John 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.

That never ending flow of empowerment through the believer. Grace. Unmerited, undeserved favor. We have heard them all. Used them all. Grace. Continue reading Grace For All The Right Reasons

Community Is Prophecy Activated

amy dadThe prophetic is exciting. One of the best gifts the Lord has presented to us. Yes, He shared it through a people He calls prophets (Ephesians 4:11) but He also caused people to become prophetic by becoming one with them. People now had the ability to prophesy. Continue reading Community Is Prophecy Activated

Sharing The Wealth

leejohndrowteamLast week, I was with a friend of mine and we were talking about life and where we were at individually as well as corporately in our minds. What we were seeing and sensing.

One of the topics that came up was what do we do when we feel like we’re in a season of not doing anything. That place of “stagnancy”. Personally I have seen, that when we are not moving ahead and begin to develop those thoughts of “where is this headed”, we become bored, complacent and are apt to get in trouble. Continue reading Sharing The Wealth

Whose Report Do YOU Believe?

leejohndrowteamYou have believed a lie. Some how you have come to believe your life has too little value. How can He use me? What can I do?

The spider wove a web. Not like a sheet, but with openings. A fly soon flew into it, thinking there was an opening. It was stronger than the  web but soon the ability to stand up, to move, to fly, was gone. Energy sapped. It awaited death. Continue reading Whose Report Do YOU Believe?

“We Want What You Have”

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Held against my will, I fought against the bonds. Why had I been taken? As they drove me down roads and streets, I recognized nothing in the low morning light. At one stop I was able to get a picture of a house on a hill. I went to send it to one of my friends. But each time I worked the button it signaled that it could not send. I began to pray. As we climbed the hill towards the house I had taken a picture of, it became lighter as the sun was readying to come up. The captors pulled into a barn at the end of the driveway. Bright lights came on and they took me from the car. A large older man sat there in a chair and smirked. “Thanks for coming here.” I said nothing. He kept on. He was the owner of many grocery stores. He told me “you will be helpful in the coming days.” Over the next few hours, he began to detail to me that as a Christian I had powers that could be helpful to his business. At one pint I asked him why he did not consider becoming a believer. He laughed and told me that believers were weak when it came right down to it. Not ruthless in their actions. Continue reading “We Want What You Have”

Believing For Bigger

leejohndrowteamThere was a time in America where the church (Its people, its truth.) stood at the forefront of much that went on in community after community. In early New England every town had a church building and people gathered there. At one point it was said that “every five miles” a church building was to be established. People wanted the church and the church wanted people. Continue reading Believing For Bigger

Don’t Let Disappointment Ruin Your Day

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Frustration is a tell. It is the tip off that something is up. It lets you know that there is something going on.

Frustration can come in many forms but perhaps the most popular one is the one where you are trying to get something done only to find out that there are roadblocks in your way. That happened to me yesterday. That which normally takes 10-15 minutes took over an hour.

Continue reading Don’t Let Disappointment Ruin Your Day

Get Free Stay Free

leejohndrowteamI had a dream last night and in that dream men and women were being bought by traders and they were going to be used for the slave and sex trades while others were going to be used to tend to their fields, to their children, to all sorts of things.
In waking up I recognize very quickly that my dream had to do with the captivity of man. One of the things we often forget to think about are the benefits of God.

Continue reading Get Free Stay Free

One By One In New England

leejohndrowteamThis morning I shared a story of a fire across the land of New England. It was a word the Lord gave me with regard to awakening or revival. A timing in and of the Lord, where hearts are changed and focused on Him. The place where His goodness overcomes that which has previously “opposed” or been oblivious of Him. Continue reading One By One In New England

Welcome to Lee Johndrow Ministries
