Category Archives: Family

Speaking At The Village Church Today

lage Church in Swanzey NH
The Village Church in Swanzey NH

5 years ago my wife and I visited Village with the idea we would “visit.” My wife and I had ministered there regularly years before. Like many places, change had been in the “air.” So, imagine my surprise to find out upon leaving, that my wife and I felt the same way. We were not going back. There was just something up. It did not feel like “home.”

5 miles later and the Lord told me, “oh, you are going back.” Frankly, I was having a hard time with it. 40 plus miles away. An hour of driving. 35 people and the only children were my friend Mark’s. Less than week later, I heard the audible voice of God talking to me about Village, while riding my motorcycle minding my own business. (I wanted to move to Texas!) Two weeks later our home was destroyed. So began a nomadic life. (That stage ends July 28th this year.)

4 years after our first visit, we moved to Keene New Hampshire to put ourselves in proximity to Village.

Today I share with Village what God has been talking to me about. Seems kind of funny. I cannot imagine being somewhere else. It is not what I chose or would have chosen.

Thank you Village for being you. You are awesome.

Young Men and A Fatherless Generation

Passing the baton
Passing the baton

Like many I watched the trial of George Zimmerman. Unlike many, I had followed it from before the arrest. My issue is not which side you or I are on. Here are two young men, who have changed lives. One dead, the other most likely to be pursued for the rest of his life. There is no “innocence” here. A trial is a trial. The answer the answer. Do not presume you know which side I am “on.” You probably do not. I have had a number of people work to engage me. I am more concerned with where we go from here. Continue reading Young Men and A Fatherless Generation

The Value Of Father

Hitting the target
A word for today.

A daughter’s birthday. 3 grandchildren asleep who never see their father. An early morning chat with a friend. Today is a day to reflect on my role a little as a dad.

The last few years have been “different.” My message has changed. My season has changed. And, well…I have changed. A lot of it has to do with the message I embrace. The grace of God, undiluted, without a doubt. Continue reading The Value Of Father

My Daughter Amy’s Birthday

Me walking Amy down the aisle!
Me walking Amy down the aisle!

The birthday of my daughter Amy

Today is your birthday. Wow! So love you being my daughter!

When my first wife let me know that she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. When she was born I was no less excited. My first child. Simply amazing.

Amy was my first child. She was born in a tiny country hospital in Townshend Vermont. I will never forget. My wife and I headed to the hospital as the contractions increased. The nurse on duty did her examination, and said “go home.” A quick call by me to her doctor changed things. A few short hours later, she was brought into the world.

Nothing changes your world like a baby does. How can you so quickly fall in love with someone? But I did as I did all the rest of my children. One second I am focused on business and work and overnight I am focused on a little girl.

Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. James 1:17

Nothing prepares you for the first one(or actually any of them!) and so to suggest  “life as usual” would be an untruth.

I watched my daughter go through life and reflect on it this morning. So here are some highlights.

  • You running around a 5 bedroom apartment dressed like an elf.
  • Playing with Zephyr, your protector.
  • Going to Miss Tucci’s and your day care
  • Taking you and your friends to the Friendly Farm.
  • Going to St. Michaels
  • Leaving St. Michaels J
  • Leaving Brownies after a downpour
  • Days in the pool at my dads
  • Baton Twirling and costumes
  • You and Max running around the house and the fields
  • Fishing at Silver Lake
  • Entering high school
  • Our first real argument! OK-that was not so hot.
  • Teaching you to drive
  • High School graduation-
  • Entering college and dropping the caravan of stuff off with your mom!
  • Taking you and Tyler camping at Indian Lake. (What? My pager doesn’t work here! No TV?!?!?)
  • Our drives back and forth to college.
  • Teaching you to drive and your first car!
  • The call from the EMT after your accident. L
  • College graduation!
  • Our trip to Indiana.
  • Your first job out of college.
  • Moving back to Vermont
  • Interning at Gateway
  • Moving to Connecticut
  • Getting your job after all that time temping with a $400 resume and 2 calls
  • Father – Daughter Motorcycle trips-(Lake George was fun!)
  • Engaged
  • Married-how sweet has this all been for you, Manley, everyone!
  • Is there a chapter we can put here?
In my dad's back yard.
In my dad’s back yard.

I am proud of who you have grown up to be.
Love you! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When Your Children Grow Up

In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)
In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)

Over the last few months I have had a number of experiences with my children. (My children are 26 to 32 years of age. Each unique. Each individual. I love each of them.) Marriage, first child, moves. A lot of what we would call the biggies in life. And with each change, I watched the grace of God move in their life. The seed bed of grace they are growing in is growing them up. I have watched as their priorities changed and continue changing. I watch with amazement all they have become. Continue reading When Your Children Grow Up

Celebration And Memories

Birthday in Northford with friends and family
Birthday in Northford with friends and family

Celebration And Memories

I awoke at 4AM. I would like to tell you that it was because I am so excited about today. But, the truth is I had a pretty wild dream, at the same time I could hear Jacob talking in his sleep and Tina was pulling on the covers. So 4AM it is.

I have devoted time to prayer, meditation and coffee!  I am focused on the goodness of God in my life. I am encouraged in so many areas of my life. There are a few I would like to see God move in, but knowing I cannot do it, He can and I will let Him, takes the pressure off me.

Today, as I have for many a year, I celebrate my birthday. Friends and family will be here. I realize some may think I do it just to do something different, but that is not true. I struggle with relationships. I want them, but often times who I am and how I function make it hard for me. Too often I have let work, business or ministry supersede real relationship in my life. Being a loner was easy. “Hermits are us!” I need my down time, my quiet time and my no time.

Today is the day of the year where I see lots of family. (This year all my kids will be here. That has not happened for a while.) My family is precious to me. I have been on the other side with no family. (As a friend said in conversation yesterday, “foolish drinking and not working are not ingredients for success.” That was me.)

My children mean the world to me. Their children mean as much. A new addition to the family will join us today. Her name is Hannah Lynn.

Today many friends will be there. Some from business, some from years of friendship, some new and a vast majority join us today from our church gathering. I am excited about seeing them.

But I also share a part of my heart with those who cannot be here. My parents went on to be with the Lord many years ago. My birthday memories will always include them. My brother in Maine cannot be here. My sister is out west this summer. Over the years I have had my nieces here.

Many have shared these days with me over time. Some are no longer part of my life. Others have gone home to be with Him. I do not forget them or take lightly the influences they have had in my life and the life of those I influence. I look at pictures and reflect on the good stuff God has done for me. 6 years ago my daughter moved in with us with 3 children. I have seen God do some amazing things. Today is less a celebration about my birthday and more a celebration of “look what the Lord has done!”

Today, as it has in the past will be a day of memory creation. How thankful I am of that.

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.
Helen Keller

Old Cars And More

1955 Dodge
1955 Dodge

Old Cars And More

I grew up in a different generation. My kids would tell you. I struggled with the idea that so many cars look alike. I fell in love with cars from day one. The first car I remember my Dad had was a 1955 Dodge 2 tone blue. When my mother got her job teaching they got a 1945 Pontiac so they had two cars. We had moved to Northford by then and there was a garage. My grandfather passed away leaving my parents a 1961 Plymouth Valiant.

My first car was a 1936 Chevrolet Master Deluxe. I bought it when I was 15. I paid $50. My friend said it did not run. My father had it towed with a chain behind his 1970 ford pickup F100. WE had shot the cylinders up with kerosene. As we got the bottom of Village Street and approached Route 17 the car “started” and bumped into the step bumper of my dad’s car pushing him towards the intersection.

Over time I am going to write about some of my fun cars. Love to hear about your!

The Fourth Of July – A Little History

The Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration Of Independence

I love the 4th of July. My birthday is July 3rd (A day later and my name surely would have been Samuel!) and ever since I can remember I have had just about the most awesome parties in the world. As a child, we spent our summers on lakes in the Adirondacks. And my parents made sure that we got to see the fireworks displays. (There is nothing cooler than being on a boat with fireworks in the air!) And so over the years I have made sure children and grandchildren have had the fireworks experience. But along with all the cool fireworks, food and parades there is a serious side. Continue reading The Fourth Of July – A Little History

My Birthday A Little History

My Birthday

As I mark 58 years today, I think back to a time where I was pretty convinced I would not see another. This year my birthday will be celebrated on the 3rd with friends and family at a baseball game and fireworks. Like most years I catch fireworks. And then this weekend is the big party.

I was born in what was called Grace-New Haven in New Haven Connecticut. My parents lived on Orange Street in New Haven on a 3rd floor apartment. A few years later they moved to Raymond Court. And just a few years later they moved to Old Turnpike Road in Northford Connecticut. My dad was a timekeeper at Sargent’s in New Haven and my mom with her Masters in hand began teaching in Foxon.

Many of my summers were spent on lakes in the Adirondacks. Schroon Lake, Indian Lake, Lake George. One summer I celebrated with friends like Donald Jones, Gary Gilbert and my family by going to Powers Pond(Blueberry Hill) in Wallingford and paddleboating! Other times Frontier Town, Santa’s Land and Ausable Chasm.

So here I am readying to celebrate with friends and family this weekend. My youngest grandchild will join us. I am looking forward to it. As I looked at pictures of previous birthdays and friends, I am so grateful for all of those I have connected with.

Thanks for all the memories.

July is Here!

The Blur Of July

As we hit the first day of July I am reminded of what it was like in my youth. My parents often planned our vacations to Schroon Lake and later our camping trips in the first few weeks of July. My birthday on the 3rd was always celebrated with nights of fireworks, it seemed. (Hey, one day later and they would have named me Samuel….think about that!)

drum cake
This was the cake my mom made for my birthday one year. .

When I was a child my mom often experimented with specialty cakes. One of my favorites was a drum cake she made. (Sometimes she made those ice cream cone cakes.) But whatever she made it made little difference! Sometimes we went to Frontier Town, Ausable Chasm, Catskill Game Farm and one year while in Connecticut, we celebrated on Powers Pond in Wallingford with the paddleboats.

July was always a month for vacations, boating, water skiing and more. When I was older I went to Keewaydin and celebrated on the shores of Lake Dunmore. Now, not only do we celebrate my birthday but also my daughter Amy and my wife Tina’s birthday. (My wife celebrates in the aftermath of my party with a quiet day on the ocean’s beach.)

I am excited not because it is “my birthday” but for many a year it has been a day of gathering friends and family around the barbecue. This year will be no different. From 10-4 this Saturday I will be blessed with the friends I have come to cherish and the family I adore. This year one of my greatest “presents” will be seeing my newest granddaughter Hannah Lynn. Over the years friends have visited from about the nation planning ministry and vacations that have included this day. I have friends that show from church and others who never have been in a church. They all are my friends. Over the years some have gone on to their reward and each year I reflect on the goodness of God in my life and the friends and family I do have.

I often sit and watch the conversations, the interactions and the relationships that are started or revisited.  I believe this week to be no different. Friends and family, I look forward to seeing you.