Tag Archives: friends

We May Just Have a Problem

I have a couple of friends. They do not use Facebook. !?!?!) I have to work hard to stay in touch with them. (It works because I put them in my calendar, to touch base with.)
I say it a lot. We are more connected than ever and more disconnected than ever.
God knits our hearts. Sometimes what we go through is the “lack of connection”. I often think of the scripture, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” It is indicated this is a choice or the opportunity to make a choice. But, what if it is greater than that?
If the very essence of God inside of us (And about us!) has us hardwired for community, maybe it’s possible that part of the wiring is that we are designed for connection. That when there is a “surge” (A rejoicing.) maybe we feel it. And when there is a “short” of sorts (A mourning.) maybe we feel that, too.
A lot of people go through a hard time at any given time. Maybe we “feel” that or are connected to that by the Spirit of God.  Maybe that opens our hearts to one another, and our mouths to pray for one another.
With 59 “one another” verses in the Bible, perhaps it is a little more than the “manual” some make the Bible out to be. Maybe it is the design itself…
A friend recently lost a family member. I could write “praying” on their Facebook, but what about those without the Facebook connection?
Thinking of my friends today. Reaching out to them.

Merry Christmas To You!

2013-12-20 17.14.38Today as the gifts are opened and the food is eaten, there is still plenty of magic to go around.

Last night I attended our annual Christmas service and I watched the people come in, I thought what a wonderful time of the year. As I saw the people coming in, I saw the hugs and I saw the laughter. I also saw tears and bewilderment on some. “Why am I here?” “How long does this last?” I wandered around getting to as many as I had a chance, but at some point it gets too much because there are too many. It was beautiful. Continue reading Merry Christmas To You!

Who Is Going With You?

2014-09-21 13.20.19“Great! Now what was I to do?” The machine guns (Who has machine guns???) were going off and had me pinned down behind one of the cars. I was safe but I needed to behind the one behind me to get to cover. Throwing some rocks in the air triggered another blast and a hail of of bullets. But they were short lived and I knew they were involved in reloading. I jumped across the hood of the car behind me, looking over to see what was going. While the new clip was now in I was behind the building. Continue reading Who Is Going With You?

Reaching Out Into The Darkness

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Today while driving into work I was thinking that if I disappeared, would people know. Would I be missed? How long would it take?

I remember many years ago I was challenged with the imprisonment of a pastor who was in jail in China for “crimes against the state”. Daily people were reaching out in prayer. And one day, some 20 years later, he was released.

Hundreds if not thousands appeared to welcome him. This group of people had met daily to pray for his release. Daily! What is even more important is no one had seen him for all those years. I remember thinking at that time, how many just disconnect, losing touch after weeks, months and at best, years. Please hear me this is not a condemnation thing. It is an observation. (And I have done it. “Out of sight, out of mind.” It is not healthy.) Continue reading Reaching Out Into The Darkness

A Visit To The Store

checkoutI realized I had forgotten something and I headed back to the store. I was involved in a new project. Each time I went back I was greeted with a smile and some conversation. I was frustrated about having to go back but I was also appreciative of the person on the other side of the counter. Their demeanor caused me to forget my frustrations and get lost in the moment. Continue reading A Visit To The Store

Better Is One Day In Your Courts…

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

As I sat on the ledge of the 12th story window, I looked out and there before me were choices. All I had to do was reach out from my perch high above the street and grab one. I looked around. Not only was there no safety nets or cables, but the choices while floating in the air danced in the wind.

The choice was for more power, more reach. As I looked around the city street, I noticed that many were sitting in the windows, faced with the same challenge of thought. And even as I watched people reached out from their place of safety and grabbed. They grabbed on to the floating item held in the air before them. And immediately dropped to street, screaming all the way. Continue reading Better Is One Day In Your Courts…

Where Does My Hope Come From?

preachingatvillageToo often in our lives we are confronted with the idea that we don’t count. That what we do does not matter.

The last week I watched yet one more crazy incident affect the lives of neighbors, school children and a community. The issue is not the incident itself but the feeling of hopelessness that has gripped the community. As I read the blogs, the articles, the comments, it is clear that the “insecurity” that has prevailed is increasing rather than decreasing. “Doesn’t God love everyone Lee?” Absolutely! I believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Continue reading Where Does My Hope Come From?

Where Is Your Family?

2014-05-16 18.40.52A thought for my friends about the finished work, revival, and such.

Over the last few months I have had a number of people talk to me about family. I have thought long and hard about it. So many are bemoaning the “loss” of their family while in pursuit of the Lord. Here is one of the statements one made to me. “ I have also been dwelling on what good does it do if I get it but no one else in the family does.” That is it! Where would God be without His family? Why sacrifice for the “whole world” if He was going to keep it to one? Continue reading Where Is Your Family?