I fully understand that the world is carried on in “microseconds’ when it comes to information. As I read the news, I see people are clamoring for instant access to “what is going on” in the world about them. This morning as I read a few articles, I glanced at one that brought chills. Continue reading I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!
Category Archives: Teaching
Fear Minimized – God Maximized!
When I was a small child, perhaps 3-4 years old, I awoke one night frightened. Perhaps it was something outside my window or something I could not figure out. But, what I did know, was that my parents were but a few doors away, right down the hallway. Continue reading Fear Minimized – God Maximized!
Your Influence Shapes Your Legacy
Last night the wife of an old friend came by to visit. Martha and I go back a long ways. Her husband, Darryl and her were influential in my life for many a year in ministry, before he had a stoke, subsequently passing a way some time later. It was so good to see her and her travel companion, Joan. Continue reading Your Influence Shapes Your Legacy
It May Not Be About Somewhere But Someone
Yesterday my grandson and I did a “whirlwind” of some cool places. One he did not want to got until we got there. But upon walking through the door, his mind changed. The second place we arrived that he had wanted to go, turned out that his interest was not in what we had come for, but something else there. And the third he wanted to kind of race through not understanding someone else’s value. And it was flowers…(The last time I had been there was with my mom.) Continue reading It May Not Be About Somewhere But Someone
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled!
A few days ago my son and I were walking as we often do at work. Our break is a loop. The loop takes us past government buildings and brings us uphill to a walking/bicycle path. As we approached the small hill to get to the path, I heard a very loud noise. I joked that “I hope they are working up there, because that sounds terrible.” As we neared the tree line, it became evident it was not a man but an animal of some type. We reached the path and turned to the right. The noises increased. It was painful to listen to. My son moved a little closer and said, “it’s a hawk in a nest.” A small bird was sweeping in to try and move it. The bird was “shrieking” at the hawk and the hawk’s response was a guttural cry. It appeared that the hawk had moved in to take over the nest, perhaps eating the small birds. Continue reading Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled!
Deception-Losing Your Destiny In Lies
I wrote this some 10 years ago, but as I was drawn to it last night, I realized it still holds true. Please read it and think about the questions at the end. Continue reading Deception-Losing Your Destiny In Lies
A New Season…What Does That Mean…
A new season…
What does that really mean? How do we digest that? What do we do with that? So often we think a new season is going to be great, but what if it isn’t?
For instance I began a new season a few months ago. By my standards (And others…) I failed. For the first time in my life I was “unsuccessful” and did not meet goals or expectations. Was that a good season? Does God look at it and say “you failed” or you had a bad season?
The result of my “bad season” is I have turned inward. I have stayed closer to God. (Further from friends and family.) I don’t have my verve. I am not sure what it looks like to be like Paul and Silas in a prison singing praise. Do not get me wrong. I have praised God. Only yesterday I am sure some folks thought I was “loose” from somewhere as I sang my songs of praise.
Here we are. August.
As I spoke to many people, most were ready for July to end. It had not “panned” out the way they thought. So what are our standards? I had a new grandchild. Made a couple of new friends. What is your thought?
I believe that the “hunger” for the Lord to move has increased. Things often change in a day or a moment. Only last month people wanted Health Care resolved but today it is the fears caused by the border explosion: hungry children, disease and violence.
Down seasons can make you bitter or better. They can reduce you or increase you. Who is your hope tied to?
Lee…where is the word? I believe this is it.
Today is the day of the beginning. The day where you can say “I am going to praise God in my season of downness”. To recognize God with my praise. To look for Him in what I do not see Him doing yet. To review what He did do for me in my season of down, of apparent failure. To recognize He is “now” in my now.
I looked at Joseph. The man who seemed to lose coats. The man who went from the pit to Potiphar’s, to the prison to the palace. How long did he sit in his place of apparent failure, of despair while in the pit? How long did he languish after he gave a “great” word to a baker and a butler? What was his standard? Did he give up? Did he stop giving words or interpreting dreams? Apparently not, because it was an interpretation that set him free.
Will you extend grace in your pit? Will you minister in your prison? Will you not waver in the “house of Potiphar”?
My time in “darkness” has revealed to me what I am good at and what I am not.
August. The dictionary describes the word August, as majestic, imposing, dignified or of noble birth. So, I say to you this day, what will you birth of majesty, of dignity? Will you release that which has been within you all these years?
Regardless of your prison or palace, God is in you, seeking a place to express Himself through you. Whether it is in the work place or in the grocery store. God invested in you. He invested with a return in mind and He is a long term investor. Regardless of the season, the return is coming.
Where Have All The Birdies Gone?
Today I was in a meeting for work and the question on the table was, “what is your major frustration?” My answer was a simple, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” My reason was simple. It seemed like the idea of a “simple” sale (One that didn’t need extra parts, special efforts or more.) was beyond me. Each sale seemed to require extra forms and effort to get it all together. I was fast coming to a place of “melt down”. Too many things were being required and each time I thought I had a pathway, a different route was required. Continue reading Where Have All The Birdies Gone?
Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”
One of the most difficult pieces of working for me was the idea that creativity has evaporated. So, when a few weeks ago, I had the flash of creativity over a topic, my world was changed. For the weeks and months before I had thought I am “creatively dead”. (Even as I wrote this I hear the words, “unless a seed fall to the ground and die…” John 12:24) Continue reading Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”
A Change In The Weather
Many years ago I was part of a canoe trip on Lake George. Lake George is 30 plus miles long. A large wind had kicked up and a storm had blown over the westerly side of the lake. The waves were easily 3 feet high and feeling like they were climbing. I was not worried abut drowning or getting injured, but I was worried about what would happen if the canoes capsized with the food in them, as well as our clothes and such. The wind increased and the waters whitened on the crest of the waves. Out of the fog and the mist appeared one of the Lake George steam ships. As it cut across in front of us, the wake got higher and higher. I could see the waves headed towards our 7 canoes. Above the roar of the waves and wind the counselors were screaming, “hit it at a 45 degree angle!!!” Everyone began to adjust their canoes. As canoes disappeared in the troughs of the waves, my thought was the food! Continue reading A Change In The Weather