Category Archives: Musing

Relationship Changes – Are We Open?

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

I often find myself thinking about seasons of goodness, of increased relationship, of tremendous change. I just went through a season, so to speak. It was as if my family pulled in “tight” so to speak. I am in a different season now. It is a season where we have not “lost anything” and I can see the gains, but growth and change are not explosive.

Last week, while we were getting ready to sleep, Jacob asked me “how old is God?” I worked some of the easier answers, but he persisted with “how old is He?” I finally told him a “googleplex and more.” Fortunately he was tired enough, not too much more conversation happened. (When I was a child, I remember being his age and lying in bed in this old farmhouse, thinking about infinity and the universe and feeling the “frustration” of not being able to wrap my brain around it. My teachers were frustrated I would not let up on the topic !) Continue reading Relationship Changes – Are We Open?

April 26th 2013

2013-07-31 12.17.20A king does not have a kingdom to hunker down in…”In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war,”…He is building kingdom. Converting people to his beliefs, his leadership…

I watch all the warnings about all that “is going to happen.” Many of my friends say “see, I told you so!” Folks, our “told you so” attitude about the news and the events continue to entangle people. I get discouraged by the amount of posts of “it’s all over but the shouting” line of thinking. I said this morning that you know it is getting better when Duck Dynasty outranks American Idol. I meant it. Continue reading April 26th 2013

Steak Tartare And Finance – Reaching The Lost

steaktartareI have lots of dreams. Sometimes 5 or 6 a night. I said a few years ago, I am often not sure of what is dream and what is real or what is “my reality.”

Last night in a dream, I found myself in a crime family’s secret lairs. I found myself accepted as one of them because the person they thought I was had disappeared. I had been brought in because they “thought” I was one of them. One of their “architects” of finance and direction. Ironically, there was nothing illegal, but change had come. A high level meeting that caused some “hurt feelings.” I was escorted from that room. Later on I was in a back room and they came out and said “you have not left?” What I realized was they had elevated me to a very high position. The reason I was in danger was because I had been “promoted” over many others. I could not leave now they said. I had to be protected. As they made me all kinds of unusual and weird food, I found myself living a life that A) I was unaccustomed to and B) the tinge of danger was there. Would I be caught? What was I to do? I knew who I was and what God wanted for me. As I ate the final meal before being removed to a remote castle, a safe place, I awoke. Continue reading Steak Tartare And Finance – Reaching The Lost

It Is About Time

What High Ridge home looks like now.
What High Ridge home looks like now.

This morning I was thinking “my chronos is important to my kairos.” The tribe of Issachar, “And of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.” – 1 Chronicles 12:32 NAS

If I am reduced to nothingness that leaves room for everything! Continue reading It Is About Time

Present In Truth

Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

As I read that, there is something truly “present” in what is said. This is not afar, but a present reality. It goes on to tell us that in this hope we were saved. A reality. “Now hope that is seen is not hope.” We know our salvation is there, so is not the completion of something done, and something new upon us?

We have been held back by a future thought process, that seems to not be truth. I recognize that adoption speaks of a maturity(30 years, -“this is my son, whom I am well pleased in.”) or an age, but I think we need to relegate some things to their proper places.
In the scriptures as Jesus heads back to deal with the “Lazarus issue” Martha comes to him with a “past glory” thinking. “If you had been here…” Mary dealt with a future glory, “the son of God who is COMING into the world.” They missed a very present reality. Jesus was not the hope to come, or the glory past, but the glory manifest in their midst.

Lazarus(God help us!) in a grave cloth, bound hand and foot. How did he get out?

It is tie we realized the presence of the presence and walk in the operation of a present reality. A maturity simply because WE ARE! It is time for us to “unbind” them.

Seeds And Ideas Sown In Our Lives – The Idea Of Mixture

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

I have been on the subject of distraction for a week or so. (Though I am sensing a shift to “My grace is sufficient for thee…”) I see too often one of the greatest mindsets of the church to change is that, A-His grace is sufficient and B-The cross is where it “all begins.”

Frankly, much of the church has been selling a bill of goods while others are buying the bill of goods. What do I mean by that? We have been telling people what to do, removing their freedom, while the church has refused to take the time to think on its own. (Anyone who did was often pushed to the side because they had the “spirit of Jezebel.”) Continue reading Seeds And Ideas Sown In Our Lives – The Idea Of Mixture

A Failure To Communicate!

cansFailure to communicate is a fact of everyday life. “Nobody told me.” “I couldn’t open my e-mail.” “I didn’t get the message.”

I need to talk about something people do not realize. Facebook is not the ultimate communication.

“But it is Facebook, people place a lot of reliance on it.” Can I say something? DON’T!

So many of us use Facebook, we often ask “what did we do before?” As someone who uses Facebook for both personal, ministry related and business, I think on some levels I am qualified to speak about some discoveries. (Plus being on the internet since 1995. Yes, there was an internet, not invented by Al Gore!) Continue reading A Failure To Communicate!

The Cutting Room Floor

CuttingroomLast night as were teaching Catalyst class moving from our study on the 6 important “stages” of Christ, (crucifixion, death, burial, quickening, resurrection and seatedness) I found myself thinking about how much “junk” I allowed in my life that spoke of something less than it “was done” or finished. The result of my “diet” was I encouraged others to engage in the same behavior or mixture.

Last night our sound guy, Chris though that the title of my message ought be “no more squishy gospel.” Perhaps that is truth. What I said was that I needed to lean on something that had integrity. I used the example of the difference between squishy “store bought air” bread and homemade bread. The difference is that one (the first) you could roll up in a ball while the second was so “thick” you could not “squish” it. I need, and so do you, a gospel that is not squishy. We need to be able to look at what we read or believe about Jesus and not be afraid. Continue reading The Cutting Room Floor

What Is The Answer?

leejohndrowteamIn light of the shootings and death, I have felt “burdened” to see what God is saying…

“Then He charged them, saying, ‘Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.’” (Mark 8:15)I have been processing this scripture the last day or so. Why? A few weeks ago I found myself saying to my wife “there is an attack on the children.” At the time I thought it was just my grandchildren. I would say to my wife and a few close friends I am “struggling” with this. “Maybe it is just Christmas and the kids are keyed up.” But every time I turned around one of the children was getting hurt! And others shared similar things.Sitting here on Friday as the news of the massacre in Newtown washed over me., I realized that something was going on. Something I had “felt” but not been able to process. Worse, I had no answer. I felt for lack of a better description, “helpless.” Continue reading What Is The Answer?

Christmas Traditions: A Video by Lee Johndrow

12-5-2012-12-47-32-PM-2789514What is important to you at the Christmas season? I find that a lot of the things I do for Christmas are things that I grew up with.

Advent cards, Christmas Cards, Christmas trees, candles, eggnog, cookies and candies…the list goes on…


Continue reading Christmas Traditions: A Video by Lee Johndrow