Christmas Wrecks


leejohndrowteamThere was the sign “Christmas Wrecks”. It looked quiet enough, but as I walked onto the lot, I realized it was far from quiet. But as far as the word “wrecks” clearly it was appropriate.

The dream was 5 dreams deep. Each dream only brought me one dream closer to awaking. (I never had that happen that I remember.) I remember “awaking” at 3:30 and thinking “Christmas Rex?” But then I was swept into another level of the dream. (Wreck the halls…)

Much like The Christmas Carol, I found myself reviewing the disasters of Christmas past, as well as the future Christmases. I found myself walking through heart breaks and pain. (Not just my own life but others.) I felt the coldness of broken relationships and the franticity of anxiety and worry.

I awoke and came downstairs thinking about the folks that need prayers, friends and family.

Yesterday I arrived at my desk and there was a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread. I thought “how prophetic” is this. (In the midst of my “enemies” God has prepared a table.) Genesis 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.)

The table of peace.

Peace is an action a lot of the time.

Later on in the day, I had one of those moments where someone said “Happy Holidays” to me. My response was “Merry Christmas”. They responded very awkwardly with “Merry Christmas”. At first I felt I had done my “duty”.

I have kind of viewed it through PC vs not-PC. (Certainly I am the latter by most standards.) Realistically I don’t say “Happy Holidays” because I grew up saying “Merry Christmas”. I told my son I “could not let it slide” with the call. But the dream last night revealed to me that I could have. And been no less of a person.

On some levels perhaps we have turned Christmas in to our annual “fight for our right”. But I realized upon awaking that we have many chances out there to touch someone. Sometimes we only get one with a person. All the “badges” of Merry Christmas mean nothing if our heart is not right. In fact our own “personal” agenda may get in the way of the next “Billy Graham”.

(I am not the only reaching with this message.)

Even as I write I am see a bowl of bread dough. It is not rising. There is package of yeast to the side. It never made it into the dough. I hear these words. “If you are not in their life they will never rise.”

We have made being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be a “dividing” line. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16. To those who believe. So it is about “good news” like “peace on earth – good will towards men”.

One of my friends from the south says, “stop hanging them over hell with gasoline underpants”. The gospel is good news. Any thing less than that I am ashamed of!

There are people around you today who need your prayers. Your care. Your love. Even perhaps your money!

The Lord showed me the Christmas Wrecks for me. For you! We can save people from the devastation of the world. Sometimes you hold a hand. Sometimes you make a meal.

More than anything else, I would say this. Jesus is the reason for the season. So let us bring Him to the “table” and establish peace. Don’t just open your mouth this season. Open your heart.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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