As a prophetic voice, I find that I am often calling out the destiny, the calling and the purpose in people’s lives. I am looking for the gold in the middle of their life. So often that “gold” is buried under the dirt of not understanding the value of their life. “Why would God want me” is a question I often walk into. “How could God use me?”
Often the dirt that needs to be removed has to do with circumstances and people who have left them broken on the “trash pile” of life.
So much of what I do is reveal the Father’s love to them, while uncovering the nuggets of gold that have been hidden.
But today I want to speak to folks who have a glimmer of hope of the gold that is hidden. You may have a word you have been sitting on or a desire to be realized. Unlike many folks, I believe you can reduce the destiny that lays before you if you are not careful. As I look at destiny, I see a couple of traps that can hold you up, postponing your time.
There are two areas of life that will keep you from your destiny. You can choose to argue with that in your defense going forward, but I want you to dial in for a moment or two and if you still disagree that is your choice. I do believe in Romans 8:28 that “God will work all things together…” but it does not mean that what you had you will have.
In life we often have what I call “deal breakers”. A deal breaker is something that keeps a deal from going to completion or going forward. I have been around long enough to see deal breakers in action. People need to recognize what the deal breakers are. The deal for you is a fulfilled destiny. You can have the best words in the world, but a simple bad choice can cause an end to all that. You will still have a destiny or a destination but it may not be what you envisioned as a result of the choices. You might call them a destiny breaker.
Situations-Many of the situations or circumstances we encounter are the result of choices. These are ones we can look at and choose to better our chances by changing our choices. And then we have the circumstances that we have “no control” over. But, we do have the choice of the response we give it. Just because you have lost your job in the current economy does not mean you can not move ahead with grace and peace.
Circumstances and situations are made to be overcome. Allowing a “bad break” to corrode your opportunity for success and happiness is not a wise move. I have watched numerous people over the years rebound from difficult circumstances with their “eye on the ball” moving towards the goal. Conversely I have watched as many let a situation overcome them and move into darkness.
Friendships-Proverbs 13:20 says “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” We often relegate this to young people, encouraging them to choose wisely that they might miss the dangers of growing up. But this verse is as easily applied to any age. I have watched people connect with another in business or romance only to see their lives explode badly. (When your best friends are saying “no” to you, you might consider that they have your best interests at heart. Not that they are being too controlling or religious!) Relationships have the potential to lift you towards goodness and a bright future or they can sink your ship in unfriendly waters.
Wisdom is key in challenging circumstances or the choosing of friends. (Especially when we are talking romance!) Unwise friendships can bring about circumstances you do not want to be coupled with.
I often ask people, ‘if you spent all your life saving up for the car of your dreams, why would you let just anybody drive it?” If you have devoted yourself to a good education or career, why would you let another jeopardize it?
You need to recognize the goodness the Lord has put in your life. See your value. When you see your value and the price that was paid for it, you are not thinking about giving it away to bad choices that lead to difficult situations or draining relationships. (People in the dating world-see yourself as God sees you. Stop the “used car”syndrome of letting people “kick the tires”!)
(A few of us were sharing about colleges and schools and such. One of my friends tabled this about student loans and relationships. “Why would you choose someone that has a mountain of debt in student loans? You are already starting from a difficult place?” My question is “why would you chain your self to any mountain of debt? You can think that harsh but it is the result of choices. Neither of us is talking about the person that has a viable career path. I am speaking of the “wishy washy” choices that build mountains of debt and the only job out there is working behind a counter. If you have debt like this trust the Lord to help you overcome it. Develop a plan. Make a choice for today.)
As you go through any day there is and always will be choices to make. Wisdom is on your side and available to the one who asks.
Today, see yourself as the Lord sees you. Avoid the pitfalls of bad choices, difficult situations and negative relationships.
Remove the destiny breakers from the victory you are seated in and accomplish that which the Lord has laid before you.