Read The News, Change The World!

leejohndrowteamAs I read the news I see that we are “desperately” in need of change. As I listen to friends I see “how much I could be praying for”. Even in my own life I have “needs” or things that I would desire to be different. At some point I will carry my thinking up the stairs and into my room and spend time with Him. I have already spent some time with Him. He is my rock, my refuge, my peace.

I read on the burning topics of the day; economy, racism, finance and pain. I pray over the articles as I read through. I think like Radio Shack, “you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers”. People have pain, we have answers. I am not talking about platitudes or premises of false hope, but we have Him, the ANSWER!A few days ago I was sitting in my living room and angels appeared. Others were or might have been here, but they “missed” them. The room got “crowded” for a few moments. I do not know about you but that many angels “intimidate” me on some levels. Like a friend of mine, “population” explosions frighten me a bit. Yesterday an angel showed up while playing with my granddaughter. He was flying about and touching people with injuries. Particularly joint and limb injuries and pain. Each person began to move with continued and increasing freedom. We have answers!

Jesus healed the lame, the infirm, the injured, even the dead! He is our answer. He changes everything.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of our economy or our politics. (Have you asked yourself “why” China moves to the number one spot in economy. I submit to you, the answer is the prayers of the explosion of Christianity…) What would happen if we prayed prayers of faith? Of grace? Of goodness? What if every time we got together with someone, anyone, we prayed? What if the air was filled with faith and not negativity and problems. (Look at your Facebook…are you speaking life, walking in grace? Just a question!) How does one become “innocent of evil? Do we believe we ought to speak light not more than darkness, BUT just light? (Ephesians 5:12)

I know this is not the sweet message that raises hair, gives goose bumps and causes your heart to go pitter-patter. BUT, it may just be the message the world is needing to hear. People of hope, sharing hope, breaking bondage. With every message or prayer of goodness, the kingdom is enhanced, expanded and enlarged.

Why carry the party line of hopelessness? Of despair? Go ahead, get frustrated, throw a temper. Your angels will wait!

Open your “facebook” to the one who has appointed you to co-heir, to reconstruct a fallen world. “Read” what He has written on your wall! (Of your heart it says!) We do not need a “national day” of prayer, though I am fine with it. We need a “rational” day of prayer each day. One where we declare His victory, His goodness! Stop just trying to “soak” and shake some of the “wetness” of His goodness on to another. (Be like a dog coming in out of the rain! SHAKE!)

Begin to prophesy change of the “biblical” kind. Don’t hang with the angels…send the angels. Send them to Congress, to the Senate and the White House. Send them to school and to college. Send them to business and banks!

A few days ago, I saw a boat in a vision leaving my view. On the back of the transom, it said “FEAR”. I felt and saw fear leaving lives. It is time to say “good bye”(Okay, bon voyage!) to fear.

To see change accomplished, we must be willing to see change appear. It first must occur in our hearts and our minds before it appears in our words and our actions. And when it evolves in our words and our actions the world will see the hope we carry expressed and change will come!

Our words (Even those on Facebook) either reveal our faith or our faithlessness. (Checking your “facebook” may reveal just what you need to change!) I often “think” the news reflects what we are saying, what we are doing. Are we subject to the malaise of the world or the reality of heaven and the initiation of heaven here on earth?

Today is the day to shout from the rooftops…

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!
I will see his kingdom come her on earth. I will see His peace manifest. I will see healing come. I will see lives made better and I will walk in joy!

…And I will declare that over my family, my friends and my community.

(For more on declarations and decrees you may want to check out my book, The Drones Of Heaven.)

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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