Tag Archives: grace

A Season Of Change-Readying For The Next Step

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

Today in my own life I will be packing to move tomorrow. Seems good to end the nightmare on Halloween!

Lately I find myself telling others how amazing grace is not just because I believe it but because I have seen it. In the last few years I have seen more marriages healed, children restored (Even kidnapped ones!) and restoration come to family units than the first 20 years of my Christianity. I am not ready to say I have seen more miracles and healing yet in the last two years, but it is clear we are heading in that direction. Continue reading A Season Of Change-Readying For The Next Step

Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

2012-04-22_08-03-20_978I often am giving thought to the “whys” of life. I look for God’s purpose in each situation. I want to hear from Him. I was the kid who never stopped asking questions.  One of those thoughts often has to do with how we “make things better.” I am concerned about the folks who are not plugged into God. Perhaps they never heard. Perhaps what they heard was false and ingenuous.  That bothers me. We are the church. And with that…

I think a lot about those who “walked” away from the Lord. The reason for my quotes in the previous sentence is that for the believer who has accepted Christ, how do you walk away? Does the circumcision by God (In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, Colossians 2:11) done in you get restored? Is He going to put it back on? Continue reading Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

Encouragement And Love Found In The Seedbed of Grace & Community


Just a thought?
Just a thought?

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ,  in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2-3 NIV

Last night while in our class, as I “closed” with prayer the power of the living God showed up. He really likes to be talked about “like He is in the room.” The results were tangible as people just wanted to hang out in the presence of the One who has given us life.  People shared how good things were. (The whole class was a testimony to God but this was like “extra.”) One woman sang wonderfully over another as others prayed. I want to be clear, so often I get caught up in what I am to do I forget what He is there to do! Continue reading Encouragement And Love Found In The Seedbed of Grace & Community

You Can’t Change Them If You Can Not Touch Them

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

Over the last few weeks I have meditated on that thought process. Spoken to me a few weeks back, an older man said “you cannot change them if you cannot get it in them.”

Yesterday, I read an article that spoke of a gospel singer returning to her roots after years of going “off the deep end” in her Christianity. Most people recognize that the church for a number of years; got them “saved” and after telling them what had been erased, now turned and said “be careful” as if God would return to a status of “mad” to keep them there. Freedom would flood a person, the power and presence of God would overtake and two minutes later someone would be instructing how to keep “it.” Continue reading You Can’t Change Them If You Can Not Touch Them

Pre-Christians and You

trumpetYesterday I made a note to others that I thought this was the time where God was going to change people who we had prayed for, been in contact with, etc.. He was making them aware of His love. They were “coming in!” Little did I know that one of my “encounters” would be a woman whom I have never met, but knew of her through her spouse who had worked with me.

Last night a message to me indicated a conversation with her daughter that had left her troubled over the issue of heaven. Her daughter did not want to go. The little girl is 5 and I would ask that you would pray for her. We went back and forth. It was hard for me, because I do not type fast, do not know her, but just kept relying on God and saw her crying. Moments later. Continue reading Pre-Christians and You

Words Of Destiny #8 For Parents and Spouses

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667Too often we struggle with our children and our marriages. They are often tied closely. Many are single parents who are needing a fresh word.

Do these words bless you? These words are meant to encourage you. Feel free to share them. Subscribe to our blog on the right. Join our Facebook group. Get the RSS feed for your iPod.

And if you need a “word of destiny” or know someone who may, check these.

Yes No Or Maybe…

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

Too often I and others have sought answers rather than Him. Perhaps our question ought to be a pursuit of Him.

Over the years I have watched people seek the Lord for “answers.” We have made formulas for how God is to answer. “God answers ‘yes, no or maybe later’” is an example of what we have built upon. We have told people that we can have whatever we ask in keeping with Jesus’ word. So many things we (And I say “we” because I have participated in them.) have set up as rules…in a kingdom where there are no rules. If asked “is this how God works?” my answer might be yes at the time. But at others no. Why the reason for my apparent “have it both ways” you might ask. The reason is God is not a God of rules but of relationship. Continue reading Yes No Or Maybe…