A few nights ago I had a dream. With everything going on I just sat on it and let it percolate. Honestly it disturbed me a slightly.
Here was a map over and aerial view with 5 areas “smudged out” almost as if there was a cloud over that area that would not allow the satellite camera to see. As two of us looked over the map I said “I know there is something there. I am going.” I got in my vehicle and headed there. Continue reading How To Disappear And Change The World→
Are you going through the mill? (Do you feel flatter than a pancake?)
Last night as we gathered to pray for needs, encouragement, people far and near, I saw and began to describe the “victory” party I saw. In my spirit I felt this was a time of celebration. (A while later my wife saw three images; a stack of rings, confetti and a butterfly net, and what struck me was that she saw confetti falling out of the sky and a “butterfly” net to capture it.) If there is victory in heaven then there is victory in our lives, and just as the celebration of God and His goodness is in heavenly places, so ought we to consider the same in the earth. CELEBRATION!
So many are going through the mill that I have been drawn to pray for lately, seeking an answer. Why is my question. Where is the victory? And last night as I was praying, I began to see the following. (I was praying I think for one, but felt over the night it was more widespread as I received revelation.) Continue reading Going Through The Mill – Flour In The Making→