Tag Archives: school

Correcting Our Course


leejohndrowteamLast night I had a number of dreams about education, teaching or going to hear a teacher. Perhaps these dreams are occurring because I have bemoaned the fact that children seem to be being taught less, if taught at all. That  young people are not receiving the necessary understanding to step into life or they have not decided it is valuable enough to implement skills predicated on what they are being taught. Hopelessness seems to be at an all time high, particularly in schools. Continue reading Correcting Our Course

Nameless, Faceless, Placeless? Keep Watching!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

(Over the last couple of days I wrote two articles on the tactics of the enemy. The first was on disconnection in the body and the second on the attack of health.)

The last few days I have written two articles on the tactics of the enemy. Even as I wrote about the weapons of the enemy being disconnection and attacks against health, there has been a lifting of the “darkness” that has impacted lives. I won’t lie when I suggest it feels like “too little, too late” on some levels. Some people have gone on to be with the Lord. Others have incurred huge medical bills, lost touch with friends and family. And I am angry! Angry at the work of the enemy and his deceptions hurting people. Continue reading Nameless, Faceless, Placeless? Keep Watching!

The Authority And Power Inside

leejohndrowteamIn my dream last night I was teaching in a school. The students were probably high school age, but the unusual part was each day new students would appear and one from the day before would remain. The fast changing atmosphere was interesting in the meeting of the people. The process of just sharing the same information for a month or so was different and not much of a challenge. At the end of the month I would have a class of “left overs” and the real process of what I was to teach was on. Living in the Kingdom while being in the world and integrating the life of the Kingdom to change the world. Continue reading The Authority And Power Inside

Encouragement Is What We Offer

What We Offer

threadI want people to move ahead. To get better. To be all they can be. Over time I have seen a lot of great moments where people “get it” and move ahead. I also have seen some disillusionment.

I want to help people. But through many interactions, I have learned the following thing. A lot of people want you to endorse their actions, their decisions, bringing “confirmation” to the direction they want to go. They want you to encourage them. (Ever have a conversation with a person who is going down the wrong path? “I know he/she is not saved…not sober…a drug addict…but I love them!”) Continue reading Encouragement Is What We Offer

How To Disappear And Change The World

“You know the day destroys the night…”

A few nights ago I had a dream. With everything going on I just sat on it and let it percolate. Honestly it disturbed me a slightly.

Here was a map over and aerial view with 5 areas “smudged out” almost as if there was a cloud over that area that would not allow the satellite camera to see. As two of us looked over the map I said “I know there is something there. I am going.” I got in my vehicle and headed there. Continue reading How To Disappear And Change The World

The Changing Of A Nation

It was 50 years ago today that I walked out of my third/fourth grade classroom. The buses were lined up at the curb of our small school in Northford Connecticut. As I was walking down the hall I met my teacher Mrs. Clapp in the hallway. Tears were in her eyes. She grabbed my shoulders gently and said “The President has been shot.” It was a long ride home. Not that long later the President of the United States had died in Dallas.

I was 8 years old. I cried for days. I remember sitting in our country home’s kitchen with my mom and dad both crying and I was sobbing. Like most of the nation we watched the black and white TV screen showing everything about this young president, John F. Kennedy. Like so many others we just could not believe it. Because it was a weekend (He was shot on Friday.) there was no other calling. Our small family sat around the TV.jfkchurchjohnsalute

There was no internet (Al Gore was not around yet.) and there were no cell phones. The nation watched on TV’s across the nation or listened to the history being made by AM radio. Hardly a one does not remember that fateful day. Where they were, what they were doing.

I cried as I watched “John boy” salute his father at a mass on Monday. What would I do without my father?

We were a nation in crisis. The blindfolds had been ripped off and the results not pretty. My generation had real enemies we faced and good and bad were easy to discern. We were not inundated daily with horror and desensitized by death, blood and mayhem. Continue reading The Changing Of A Nation