Tag Archives: neighbors

Me? Who Me? Really?

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a dream that seemed to “run” all night. When I awoke this morning, I wanted to go back to sleep. There is a lot to process and lot to think through, but here is one of the biggies.

What? Me? I am not ready! Continue reading Me? Who Me? Really?

Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

preachingatvillageLast night was a dream night. It was kind of like going to a bunch of different amusement parks. First an island adventure, then to the Middle East and then somewhere in Southeast Asia. Funny, I do not go to bed with those places on my mind for the most part. Occasionally before falling asleep I will pray for a place, but usually I am “programming” for answers, for encounters. So, going places and seeing people is not something I “look” for. Continue reading Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!