Tag Archives: teaching

Correcting Our Course

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a number of dreams about education, teaching or going to hear a teacher. Perhaps these dreams are occurring because I have bemoaned the fact that children seem to be being taught less, if taught at all. That  young people are not receiving the necessary understanding to step into life or they have not decided it is valuable enough to implement skills predicated on what they are being taught. Hopelessness seems to be at an all time high, particularly in schools. Continue reading Correcting Our Course

A Spark Of God by Patrick Quade

Patrick Quade
Patrick Quade

Pat is a very good friend of mine who operates prophetically. This a word he posted today.

So much of the teaching and expounding in the church regarding the moving of the Spirit and spiritual gifts comes out of 1Cor 12 and 14. The problem with this starting point is that the backdrop for these passages is the exact opposite from what most of the church here deals with. We are not experiencing wild, unbridled expressions of Holy Spirit manifestation where people were literally competing with each other to use their gifts. If we were, then Paul’s words in the above passages would carry a lot more weight and become very effective in curbing a mosh pit mentality within our local church expression. Continue reading A Spark Of God by Patrick Quade

Lights Of Listening – Will You Hear?

blue laser1Last night I had a series of dreams. A couple woke me up. Perhaps I will share on some of them in the coming days. But here is what is more important to me, that dreams are developing into two categories. One category is the those dreams that introduce people, places and situations and develop an allegorical or “fantasy” scenario. (The ones that seemed so true, only to awaken and realize that is not a true thing or that scripture is not really a scripture.) And yet upon examining them with the Lord I see the play out of them or the value. The second category is that of those which are what they are and come true. (Only the other day I had a dream about someone and it came true just as shown.) Continue reading Lights Of Listening – Will You Hear?

Encouragement Is What We Offer

What We Offer

threadI want people to move ahead. To get better. To be all they can be. Over time I have seen a lot of great moments where people “get it” and move ahead. I also have seen some disillusionment.

I want to help people. But through many interactions, I have learned the following thing. A lot of people want you to endorse their actions, their decisions, bringing “confirmation” to the direction they want to go. They want you to encourage them. (Ever have a conversation with a person who is going down the wrong path? “I know he/she is not saved…not sober…a drug addict…but I love them!”) Continue reading Encouragement Is What We Offer