Tag Archives: women

All Change Is Preceded By…


leejohndrowteamThere is a quote that says “all change is preceded by chaos.” Even if that is true, it is the man or woman who can take chaos and bring forth meaning and change of the God kind I am seeking.

God brought order out of darkness. Continue reading All Change Is Preceded By…

Being A Man Putting On Your Big Boy Pants

Me walking Amy down the aisle!
Me walking Amy down the aisle!

This is a “delicate” article for me to write on some levels. For one, I am biased, being a man and being married. For another I have daughters. And for another I have been around long enough to see what works in the Christian church.

It has to do with “where have all the men gone” and I want to change it. I want the church family to be a healthy place for everyone. I have been seeing a move in the men of God coming and I think this is a piece of it. Continue reading Being A Man Putting On Your Big Boy Pants

The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women

Captain of your destiny

What We Chew On

Last night one of my dreams put me in the position of being “hurt” by others and watching them be hurt as well. The hurts were physical. Not deadly or catastrophic but those little “pains” that you know have a deadlier or more sinister meaning. You know the feeling, like you are going to pay for it later or they would have hurt you more had no one been looking.

I woke up feeling not “my pain” but the pains of the many whom were hurting. What I realized was I was the only guy in the dream. These young women were taking their hurts (As they hurt each other.) out on me. Even in the dream I thought this unusual. For one I did not recognize any of them that I could recollect. And I knew I had not seen them until I walked by them on the street or in the park where I was. Continue reading The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women