The Thing About Love In The Church


leejohndrowteamMany years ago I was in preparation for a meeting. It was in Maine. I made the decision to take a young man with me. The meeting was in ministry to the unbeliever, specifically seekers of false religions, including witchcraft, new age and paganism.

I wrote this about the 2006 meeting.

My young friend actually had a dream about the meeting. He was at the meeting, eating an orange. There was a wall between him and a young witch. He was eating an orange on one side and he heard her say, “I wish Christians would stop their practice of eating oranges.” He stuck his head around the wall and told her he loved her.

For me I saw the orange representative of the schisms that the church has gone through. The representation of the body that is “eaten” or destroyed. Perhaps the practices are founded in the hypocrisy we end up in. And the wall not being as high or as confining as we think it is. And that it takes little effort to share the love of God. We shall see. Yesterday one of the minsters that was hosting for us had a vision of angels flooding the town and dragons falling.

And we are thankful and amazed at those who around the world praying for us, even now. My friends have been such a source of
encouragement, even praying as our “band” practiced last night.

Over the years I have asked the Lord to give me clean lips; ones that
are filled with grace, mercy and His love. Over the last few weeks I
have been developing a burning on my lips and only last night was I
realizing the pressing of the coal. Slow to recognize. I have been
rereading 1 Corinthians 13 over and over, as it is my message to these people we will be with.

Church-life in New England as we know it, is about to change. New
England has so much in the air, it is pregnant with the goodness of
the Lord. The negativity of this region is being positively charged
by the prayer of the people. If it was possible to measure I think we
are sitting on an atmospheric change. A displacement of things. The
peace of God is our referee. Stand fast in His peace.

New England, we have seen a “lot” over the years. Only yesterday the Lord gave me some insight on our coming days. The same issue exists of believers fighting believers. Why? One of the ironies of my friends dream back then was two fold. Oranges do not grow in New England and unbelievers are watching!

My friend Mark wrote this post this morning. Forgiveness is often a long walk of choices. It’s the ultimate expression of Faith. The one who walks in forgiveness experiences Heaven on Earth! Joy, Hope and Love! The one who lives in unforgiveness, experiences Hell on Earth! What would you prefer?

The church of New England(Maybe other places as well.) is in need of a outpouring of His love, but it is also in need of of us being empowered by grace to make the changes, the adjustments and the choices we need to as well.

It is time for a change.

I leave you with some powerful lyrics of a young singer I think is pretty amazing. His name is Cody Simpson. These words could be sung (and embraced) by the believer.

Love can be amazing
So let me start by saying
Just let me start by giving all the love I have
Hey love is a lovely thing
So come on let’s embrace it
You know that it could take us to another space, another place

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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