Two Sides Of The Coin-Rejoicing and Weeping

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

Yesterday my friend Mark brought a woman up who had received a check, unexpectedly in the mail for something from 10 years previously. She testified. One of the things Mark said to the body was that  we need to rejoice when others get blessed. Yes it is a biblical principal, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” But there is something about getting excited with someone who is excited. Why pray for healing in others if you are not going to be excited when they get it? I find the more we get excited for others the more we see it happen.

In my book on decrees, I talk about decrees over properties, families and friends. The perspective (At the right hand of the throne of God.) is important to us. When we see just how good it can be or how good it is, we are watching the joy of the Father. What parent would be unhappy to see blessing in a child’s life? If you are upset about it, let me just simply say, “you are shortsighted and selfish.” You need to change your mind about it.

I just read of a parent who lost her son last night. I do not know all the details, but I do know that she does not deserve some of the cutting remarks that I have seen posted. Weep with those of them who are weeping.

I find many find it easier to weep and comfort someone (Maybe it is “thank God this is not me!”) than it is to rejoice with someone who just got a blessing. I would say it is time to change that.

The word rejoice in Romans 12:15 means this:

1) to rejoice, be glad
2) to rejoice exceedingly
3) to be well, thrive
4) in salutations, hail!
5) at the beginning of letters: to give one greeting, salute

Rejoice exceedingly.

I found this in the book of Maccabbees.  It said they “rejoiced” exceedingly at the success of others. EXCEEDINGLY. Get excited about another’s success. About their prosperity or healing. Do not be like the older brother who was disheartened and dismayed at his brother’s homecoming party. Be excited when the body is blessed, for it is a blessing to you!
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Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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