I want to ask you something. What would happen if you went to your church fellowship this week and…
As you were worshipping God, people began to shriek from the power of the healings entering their bodies? People simply came to the front and cried and wept and thanked God for His goodness. What if angels began to walk in the service and were visible to more than a few? That the worship team could not contain their joy or the power of His spirit? That people spontaneously gave their life over to Him? That tears and laughter filled the house?What would you do if people opened their mouths and teeth were made whole? That limbs were restored? That gemstones were found on the floor and gold and silver dust “fell” from the air? That nothing “made sense” anymore? What if the children prophesied over everyone? If canes, crutches and wheelchairs were thrown to the side?
Ever since I wrote about Syria and Antioch a few days ago my life has been “messed” up thinking about Him. I keep hearing Him telling me the church fellowship I attend is an Antioch. A place of sending and a place of receiving. A landing strip for God and taxi strip for ones to take off. A house of blessing.
I saw our worship leader laying his hands on those that would worship with him and they were called into a move of power. Even as I wrote him yesterday about a song, “have you considered this?” I asked. “Yes…lol!” he wrote back.
I ought to tell you that all of that in the first few paragraphs I have witnessed and been part of over the years. But I sense I am getting ready to see it happen…all at once and all in one place.
(For my friends at our local fellowship. Get ready!)
A little side note-long before I was a Christian I was given an album by a friend from Columbia Records where he worked. (We often got the pre-sale albums.) On that album were two “Jesus” songs. One was “Are You Ready?” by Pacific Gas & Electric and the other was “Jesus Is Just All Right” by the Byrds. Funny, I played both over the years in bands and never ever thought once about Him. While I may not agree with the theology on some levels, I sure love the shirts and hair!
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