Your Now Has Yet To Meet With Heaven’s Wow

Tyler & Emily Wedding
Tyler & Emily Wedding

Yesterday my son and his wife purchased their first home. On so many levels this is a miracle. Anyone who remembers the fateful day in December of 2001, knows that for him to be walking, talking, married with child and to purchase a home is in fact simply miraculous.

Sometimes the miracle you seek is the one you want and other times it is in fact, beyond your comprehension. Last night as I woke to the crying of my granddaughter I thought as I always do, “the wonder of life”. Crying? When a child cries I am reminded of my time in what is now called PICU or pediatric intensive care unit. My youngest daughter was in the hospital for a year. During that time there were months and months where she was intubated and the sound of her cry was not possible. I know other parents who would have given anything to hear the sound of their child, who in fact, had passed on. I will take crying over death any day.

With Tyler and Emily moving here to Keene, I thought about the ability God gives us to be restored. To be made whole.

And so it is. God is desirous to see you be made whole. To be restored, even to a better better place.

This morning I gave thought to the idea that I ought to move away from Facebook. Why? Well, primarily I no longer have time for it. Who cares about what happened yesterday? Life apparently only happens in the last 15 minutes. What? You missed that? Needless to say I am kidding with the questions. Not about the leaving of Facebook. I think the “15 minute syndrome” causes us to think in some cases that we have “reached out to someone” by a Facebook “like”, when really they could use a face-to-face hug. My other reason is this, I become caught up with what is going on here on earth and forget that the difficult dramas, hurts and pains are in part the reason Christ came to die. And at least for me it is too easy to become captured by the earthly and forgetful or remiss to introduce the heavenly.

I am way better when I pray as I see heaven move. When I catch my instructions from the Father rather than the “you gotta pray” demands of earth. I am speaking and praying heaven’s answer.

When Ty was in the hospital I heard a lot of opinions. After a while, I isolated myself from them. I refused to listen to them. Now, please understand I am not “anti-doctor” I just happen to be more about “pro-Christ”! I have friends who are doctors. (They give great candy!) They are great people. But sometimes you simply need a great God. I suspect Luke in the scriptures was the same way. Yes, He was a doctor, but read his stuff about God!

On a lot of levels it is easy to get caught up in what you do (Being a doctor or a nurse for instance.)and forget God is on the scene waiting. I think sometimes the area we are good in is frequently the one we shut God out of.I know years of being in ministry allowed me to see the human condition, work with darkness and keep you “going” if you let it. But at some point you realize this is not rest, but in fact you have begun to see yourself as the “savior” forgetting it is God who saves and God who cleans them up.

I would encourage you as we head into the run of holidays to spend a little time and embrace how big God is.

This last week I have found myself in two conversations with individuals who are pretty much the antithesis of what I believe. And yet our conversations jumped the fences of politics, music and humanity to end up in the fields of God. Ironically, I think both of us in each case came out a little more friendly towards one another. I know that God was moving when I was simply talking. He was adjusting the scenario. All God needs is a connection sometimes. An introduction. And He has the ability to take over the conversation. (In one case I had the opportunity to explain that an act of God was not disaster, but the breaking of alabaster.)

Truly, I encourage you to stop looking at the now and begin to look at the wow! Heaven’s wow can change Facebook’s now.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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