Category Archives: Vision

Influence To Be Guided

lee1-150x150.jpgThis morning I awoke to the words “strike” and the crashing of pins.

When I was a child my parents would tell me there was people bowling in heaven as lightning flashed and thunder rolled. (There was no storm this morning.) Continue reading Influence To Be Guided

Who Are We To See?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Tonight I watched and listened as the sounds of worship permeated the air, I saw the air physically change color. The worship was gold as it left people’s mouths. As it lingered in the atmosphere of the room, the air began to develop a misty, pinkish color. Earlier it had been a pale green with a brightness to it. Worship was changing the rooms air. I could feel the weightiness of His presence. As I rested my hands over my heart, I could feel the changes of sounds breaking forth. Of feelings unable to contain the desire of the Godhead working to move in to the room. Continue reading Who Are We To See?

Move That Darkness!

leejohndrowteamTonight I put my grandchildren to bed, taking the time as I do, to pray with them.

I know many who do not have that luxury. Do not have that chance or that opportunity. Can I tell you things are about to change? “Oh, Lee. I don’t know if I can stand the pain.” Do not harden your heart for it is the day of expectancy and earth shaking awakening. Continue reading Move That Darkness!

Community Is Prophecy Activated

amy dadThe prophetic is exciting. One of the best gifts the Lord has presented to us. Yes, He shared it through a people He calls prophets (Ephesians 4:11) but He also caused people to become prophetic by becoming one with them. People now had the ability to prophesy. Continue reading Community Is Prophecy Activated

Whose Report Do YOU Believe?

leejohndrowteamYou have believed a lie. Some how you have come to believe your life has too little value. How can He use me? What can I do?

The spider wove a web. Not like a sheet, but with openings. A fly soon flew into it, thinking there was an opening. It was stronger than the  web but soon the ability to stand up, to move, to fly, was gone. Energy sapped. It awaited death. Continue reading Whose Report Do YOU Believe?

Believing For Bigger

leejohndrowteamThere was a time in America where the church (Its people, its truth.) stood at the forefront of much that went on in community after community. In early New England every town had a church building and people gathered there. At one point it was said that “every five miles” a church building was to be established. People wanted the church and the church wanted people. Continue reading Believing For Bigger

One By One In New England

leejohndrowteamThis morning I shared a story of a fire across the land of New England. It was a word the Lord gave me with regard to awakening or revival. A timing in and of the Lord, where hearts are changed and focused on Him. The place where His goodness overcomes that which has previously “opposed” or been oblivious of Him. Continue reading One By One In New England