Tag Archives: babies

Let The Children Come To Me…


MarcelThinking about the children.

Today my grandson will undergo minor surgery. My daughter in love will soon give birth to a new baby girl. I love the children. This past weekend I saw all my grandchildren. I was truly grandfathered in! I can not imagine life without them!

Matthew 19:14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Continue reading Let The Children Come To Me…

Six Of One, Half Dozen To Another

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Last night in one of my dreams I ended up here.

I was in a car full of friends and we were driving through what appeared to be the Adirondacks. There were 6 of us in the car. We pulled off the main road and we headed down the dirt road to where we were going. The smell of the pine trees in the air, I could hear the water on the shore of the lake. We pulled up to a small house. As we got out of the car, I realized we had gone from street clothes to suits. Continue reading Six Of One, Half Dozen To Another

It Is Time To Do Mighty Exploits!

veldt1252014 Dream

The death squads moved quickly across the veldt. Quietly, other than their shadows no one would have known they were there. They children were huddled up in the corner of the room. Fear was visible on their faces. And then a great light shown in the room.

At first I thought it was a flashlight from one of the men outside, but quickly the light enveloped the room and seemed to dissolve.

The next scene was at a table. The children were laying quietly on the rug in the corner of the room. Looking out the window, I realized we were about 5 kilometers from where we had been just seconds ago. Continue reading It Is Time To Do Mighty Exploits!