Category Archives: Blogposts

Reinstating The Draft


patrickquadeWe had a very unique gathering yesterday at the fellowship I am part of. We had “church in the round”, so to speak. Everyone who was there was invited to become an active participant in what God was saying and doing rather than just listening to one person speak. This was very exciting for me personally as I have always believed that format should be a significant portion of our fellowship gatherings. Silly me! Continue reading Reinstating The Draft

The Kingdom Is More Than What We Eat Or Drink

amandaIs there anyone else who is just tired of all of the articles and documentaries and news reports of GMO food, organic versus non-organic, carbs versus proteins,to vaccinate or not vaccinate, etc.? For years I have studied these topics and researched them. I have watched every documentary possible and have made life changes choices after viewing. I have been disgusted with the way animals have been treated and raised and harmed. I have read reports on the China study, which is research that proves dairy and meat are harmful to our bodies and causes cancer,and leaky gut, and a list of other sicknesses. And then I’ve read articles on why grains and carbs are mutated and cause us to get celiac disease and get fat. I mean gosh for every article out there that says one negative thing about something there’s another that proves that it’s positive for you. Talk about confusing. Talk about stressful. And talk about living in fear. Continue reading The Kingdom Is More Than What We Eat Or Drink

A Spark Of God by Patrick Quade

Patrick Quade
Patrick Quade

Pat is a very good friend of mine who operates prophetically. This a word he posted today.

So much of the teaching and expounding in the church regarding the moving of the Spirit and spiritual gifts comes out of 1Cor 12 and 14. The problem with this starting point is that the backdrop for these passages is the exact opposite from what most of the church here deals with. We are not experiencing wild, unbridled expressions of Holy Spirit manifestation where people were literally competing with each other to use their gifts. If we were, then Paul’s words in the above passages would carry a lot more weight and become very effective in curbing a mosh pit mentality within our local church expression. Continue reading A Spark Of God by Patrick Quade

Treasures In The Trash by Pam Potter

Pam PotterWhat treasures are in your trash?

We recently closed on a house we had purchased as a flip. Before renovations began, as I was sweeping the floors I kept finding nickels. Seriously, nickels everywhere. To the point where it was beyond coincidence. So…I thought “okay, Lord, I’ll take it. You are pouring out your grace upon this project.” Thank you Jesus! Continue reading Treasures In The Trash by Pam Potter

What Do You Think?

Pam Potter
Pam Potter

August 7th, 2014
Pam Potter

As I sit on the deck with my morning coffee I close my eyes and my mind is infiltrated with thoughts of upcoming events, loved ones I need to connect with, a growing to-do list as well as memories of long ago. I find myself saying “excuse me, but would you kindly move aside to make way for my Jesus?” Continue reading What Do You Think?

Reaching Out Into The Darkness

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Today while driving into work I was thinking that if I disappeared, would people know. Would I be missed? How long would it take?

I remember many years ago I was challenged with the imprisonment of a pastor who was in jail in China for “crimes against the state”. Daily people were reaching out in prayer. And one day, some 20 years later, he was released.

Hundreds if not thousands appeared to welcome him. This group of people had met daily to pray for his release. Daily! What is even more important is no one had seen him for all those years. I remember thinking at that time, how many just disconnect, losing touch after weeks, months and at best, years. Please hear me this is not a condemnation thing. It is an observation. (And I have done it. “Out of sight, out of mind.” It is not healthy.) Continue reading Reaching Out Into The Darkness

All I Will Ever Be

leejohndrowteamToo often in our lives the greatest disappointment is to think “this is it”. Followed by “is there all there is?”

I awoke this morning feeling a somberness that I have not encountered for a while. It may simply be that it is 9/10 and I remember 9/11 in our country. It may just be getting older and wanting it better for everyone. I checked to see if it was a spiritual thing that was working to overtake me. It was simply the feeling of “this is it?” Continue reading All I Will Ever Be

Coming to a town near you!

waterwellI had the following dream last night. It took place in a large city. In this city was a Middle Eastern population. As the dream took place, I was aware of the love and care for one another of this community. Continue reading Coming to a town near you!

If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place

leejohndrowteamLife is funny. A couple of weeks ago I showed my grandkids “Mork and Mindy” with Robin Williams. Yesterday morning as I drove through Keene and looked at the sign from the time of Jumanji being filmed, I thought of him. Yesterday morning, my post with the picture of “leave me alone”, I thought about him.  And yesterday I wrote about troubled places around the world and thought about Hollywood. I opened my email to see that one of my favorite comedians had gone on. Robin Williams. Continue reading If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place