Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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It May Not Be About Somewhere But Someone

2014-08-09 13.57.03Yesterday my grandson and I did a “whirlwind” of some cool places. One he did not want to got until we got there. But upon walking through the door, his mind changed. The second place we arrived that he had wanted to go, turned out that his interest was not in what we had come for, but something else there. And the third he wanted to kind of race through not understanding someone else’s value. And it was flowers…(The last time I had been there was with my mom.) Continue reading It May Not Be About Somewhere But Someone

Choosing To Go Over

leejohndrowteamLast night a good friend called me. Ironically I was headed to bed, having already fallen asleep earlier, sometime around 7. (It was a l-o-n-g day.) But we had not spoken for a long time. His wife has been dealing with some pretty unusual sickness issues. I wanted to bring comfort and so I stayed up. On some levels it was more for me than for him.

A lot of our conversation was focused on the “next” step. I needed that. Continue reading Choosing To Go Over

A Change In The Weather

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Many years ago I was part of a canoe trip on Lake George. Lake George is 30 plus miles long. A large wind had kicked up and a storm had blown over the westerly side of the lake. The waves were easily 3 feet high and feeling like they were climbing. I was not worried abut drowning or getting injured, but I was worried about what would happen if the canoes capsized with the food in them, as well as our clothes and such. The wind increased and the waters whitened on the crest of the waves. Out of the fog and the mist appeared one of the Lake George steam ships. As it cut across in front of us, the wake got higher and higher. I could see the waves headed towards our 7 canoes. Above the roar of the waves and wind the counselors were screaming, “hit it at a 45 degree angle!!!” Everyone began to adjust their canoes. As canoes disappeared in the troughs of the waves, my thought was the food! Continue reading A Change In The Weather

Accountability Removes The Roughness

leejohndrowteamI don’t know about you but as a child I was pretty wild. Folks that knew me from my childhood most likely are amazed that I actually made it through that time in my life. Certainly it was the God from above who kept me from utter destruction. As a child, I grew up in a small rural neighborhood. With lots of neighbors. Let me tell you that even when my parents weren’t home my neighbors were watching! People looked out for one another. Continue reading Accountability Removes The Roughness

Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

heargod2I had something pretty much already for this morning’s post on mentoring. Then I went to bed and the dreams kept coming and coming. So, let me share them with you and the connection I have found.

The first dream took me to this place that seemed rural yet populated. There was a man who was singing “If I had a hammer, I’d hammer out danger. I ‘d hammer out injustice…” Now at 3 in the morning I thought that was pretty weird,I will take a note and go back to sleep. (I did.) The dream came back. Someone had given him a hammer.And he was hitting a large steel girder placed in the ground. With each swing of the hammer, the resounding noise would cause the things about to “straighten”, to come into line. The longer he hit the more the “earth” developed harmony and order. Continue reading Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

Character & Integrity Are Important In the Mentoring Process

2014-05-16 18.40.52Yesterday I wrote about mentoring. Many people wrote me about it. I am glad. I think it is often a piece missing in the walk of the believer. Today I want to deal with character a little. I can tell you a lot of people want to mentor, but currently do not have a grid for it. For one there are often areas of life that need to be worked on. This is important in moving ahead for both parties. Continue reading Character & Integrity Are Important In the Mentoring Process

To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

MarcelLast night I had the opportunity to share on mentoring with the adult class at our VBS. (Which was epic this year!) One of the things the Lord shared with me some 15 years ago or so was. Every Timothy needs a Paul. Every Paul needs a Timothy. And every Barnabas needs a Paul.(And vice versa.)

Rather than make this a very long writing for a Saturday, I am going to break this up into a couple of parts. That thinking and subsequent decision is the result of listening to one of the best builders I know. A true Paul (Or Barnabas.) in my life. Continue reading To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

A Revival Of Innocence

MarcelI woke at about 5 and as I lay there I thought but for a moment on what I had lost over the years. Not just me, but many. Perhaps it is just nostalgia. Maybe something that “can not be” but it triggered something in me.

Last night I attended a Vacation Bible School at our local fellowship. It is one of the best times of the year for me. Why? Because in so many areas it “reminds” me of what I grew up with. Now, I did not grow up in a church or ever attend a VBS (Nor do I think I was ever invited to one.) or anything related to the concept. But what it reminded me of was, a more “innocent”time if you will. Continue reading A Revival Of Innocence

Find A Field And Put Gold In It

What if...
What if…

I find myself so easily enthralled with what is good. And so desperately engaged by “what is wrong”. What is good where I live is more what I seek than what is not. It is not about being an ostrich and sticking my head in the sand, but being caught up in the good that is there. Continue reading Find A Field And Put Gold In It

Border Challenges – Entry Into Christianity

corvetteThis morning while preparing to celebrate my birthday with friends, I read an article on how many American cars are out there and the title “Are American Cars Going Extinct?”. The criteria is American manufacturer and 85 % of the parts from America. The answer was three. (For you who want to know, it was the Ford F-150, Dodge Viper and the Corvette Stingray.) Now I read that with a little nostalgia, a little frustration and lot of thought on the reasons why.

But as I finished the article I thought about the church, the people. And two thoughts came forth.

One, is many years ago, we published statements that said “if you were put on trial for your Christianity, would there be enough evidence to convict you”” Now I understand the heart and I understand the meaning, but what is the evidence? Is not the evidence to be born again, to have received the life of Christ? And is not the appearance of Christianity to be known by your love? Can there be a 99% Christian? (Or 75%, 50% or less?)

Just a thought…

Secondly, as I read the article I was touched with the fact that what we have in America is being sought out daily. Seven of the ten winners in the American vehicle category, are imports who utilize and meet the conditions of American products. There is also the threat of destruction to our way of life. On similar levels of thought the same is true for Christianity. People are arriving in our life of Christianity at an unprecedented rate. Similarly the devil and individuals are out to crush it.

As an American, I know that people want what I have. But, I know that is true for my belief in Christ and the outpouring of Him through me and others.

They will know you are Christians by your love. (They may not know your truck is American…)They will want what you have.

One final thought. I buy, from a particular company because it has “stayed” American to the best of it’s ability. I recognize the value and place of the others but I like things “American”. I like jobs in my country and it is one of the reasons I buy local when I can. But Christianity has no such boundaries when it comes to nations. It is boundary-less, going where the spirit and the people go.

I look at the list of manufacturers and I get a little sentimental about American metal. There are some in the church who question who ought to be here. When I first came through the doors I know I was watched like that. “Why are you here?” Hey, they did it to Saul who became Paul. Jesus went outside the bounds for Paul. I imagine it was a struggle for the 12. (My kids have said similar things in their youth.”Why are they here?”)

The gates of Christianity are wide open. Huge opportunities are here for us. You must look to see the value before you look to shut the door. There is a bigger picture here, in our lives and in America. Do not miss the opportunity because of fear.

Today, celebrate your freedom and your heritage as His. And give it away.