Category Archives: Ministry

The Winning Number Is…


leejohndrowteamYesterday I participated in a webinar. It was about a product I don’t totally understand. But the guy was interesting and I hung in there. What they taught on had little to do with technology and more to do with marketing and promotion. That and webinars give me a few moments to do other things, like review email, answer questions and get caught up. People participated around the world. Continue reading The Winning Number Is…

Change That Changes

leejohndrowteamLast night I pondered my day and while I was sitting upstairs I thought, what is it that I can release into the atmosphere that I would know would change someone’s life. The thought came to me that I wanted to see myself somewhere else. I wanted a visitation to a “visible” heavenly place. I was not looking for angels or the Lord but I was seeking a piece of real estate “somewhere else”. Instantly I found myself “moving”. The purpose of my trip or the journey itself is not important. What is important is that while things were changing for me they were changing for other people. Continue reading Change That Changes

Destroy The Works Of The Enemy

leejohndrowteamThe enemy of our soul is alive and well, regardless of our belief or lack of belief in him. The devil and his minions move about looking to hurt, kill and destroy. I bring this up because lately I have noticed a number of folks who were struck down by a virus or disease that in many cases had slipped by undiagnosed. Ultimately each received the diagnosis by the most recent team of doctors. But in a few cases, some required 2, 3, even 4th or 5th doctors and teams. It would be one thing if the “disease” just noodled along, but in the most recent cases I had been involved in, the illness came in like gangbusters. Continue reading Destroy The Works Of The Enemy

A Hug Changes a Heart – Laughter Changes An Atmosphere

2014-08-09 13.57.03Last night a couple of young friends connected with me and ended up coming over to visit. If they only knew how much I “needed” it.

Perhaps it is the season and it is the enemy throwing junk down on people, but it has seemed like there is a lot going on in people’s lives. Maybe there is. Maybe we are more connected than we realize. But, when they said they were coming over, I was encouraged. Continue reading A Hug Changes a Heart – Laughter Changes An Atmosphere

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

deep wellI came home from the meeting empty. It had been one of those meetings where my heart was just not seeming to connect. Each person I prayed for I felt nothing. I felt as if I was simply going through the motions. Just doing what I had done for many years. This time was different though. I could not connect. I wanted to see people healed, delivered and set free. They were. But all I was doing was walking down the rows. It seemed like they never would be done. The meeting was over. I was spent, disappointed and frustrated. I arrived at the home folks had given to me to stay in, to work out of. I did not want to see anyone. As I walked downstairs I could hear someone whistling. I got the stairs and walked into the beautiful space. The light was bright and here was this old friend. Over by the fireplace. He had taken the newspaper article and the coverage and cut it out. On the mantel he had placed the advertisement someone had paid for. Continue reading Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

The Opening Of The Presents

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

We hear of it, we prophesy of it and then it happens. As a prophetic person I see things all the time. I find that my take on life is “colored” by my function or gift mix. Each person has a bend or a bent like that. And when we get to employ it, it is what we call being in the groove. We could not miss for trying. We need the gifts or the functions to work together and introduce the world to the risen Christ.

I said yesterday morning, “Despise not small beginnings. There is something new and something getting ready to happen.” I arrived at our church fellowship like any other Sunday. But I kept having this “nagging” feeling like something was happening. But our monthly family gathering of my 5 children and their children was overshadowing it a little. I was not cued in. But, I kept thinking of it, like “what was I missing”. Continue reading The Opening Of The Presents

Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do

leejohndrowteamThe right connections are so important. Only this morning my computer has decided it no longer likes my modem and refuses to connect meanwhile chasing down other wireless opportunities in my area. How often is our own life like that? We have a connection to make but when it is unavailable, rather than waiting we move to a Plan B?

The problem with the Plan B approach is our impatience at a situation or circumstance. So, we go out to fix it on our own. Abraham did that. He took on Hagar and ended up with Ishmael. He initially chose a Plan B that caused all kinds of problems and may well contribute to our problems today. Continue reading Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do