Category Archives: Video

Keeping God In The Box


You might even know that it is God in the box, but the enjoyment of touching Him is limited by the box.

I watched the following video and cried. Let’s let God the Father out of the box.

The Spirit of Restoration

Yesterday morning while getting ready for service, I could feel the words “The Spirit of Restoration” being pressed into my thinking. During worship it got stronger and stronger. I shared with my friend that I really believed I was seeing something.

I released it with my words during the rest of service just mouthing the words and getting a feel of what God was saying. Not a public thing but a personal thing. Frankly I was not sure how to see it through. So, I left it in the air during the day. Continue reading The Spirit of Restoration

God Loves You A Lot!

Yesterday while walking I was meditating about the Lord and the fact that He loves me. I have so many friends that struggle with that. They cannot conceive that the maker of the universe would love them.

Last night I was trying to help a young mom work through some of the more difficult times that she had gone through. She suffered through shame and guilt as the result of these times. I was going back and forth with her over the idea that God REALLY loves her. A well-meaning friend had convinced her she deserved all the bad things and that as long as everyone else would be okay she would walk through it. Continue reading God Loves You A Lot!

Why The Fivefold Ministry? My Answers.

Many folks are coming into a revelation of the need for the fivefold ministry. It is often easy to see the results when we do not see this gifts operative or available.

My own understanding of the need, the hows and whys have changed over the years. So for “today” here are my thoughts!

By what every joint supplies!

Apostles And Prophets Are Foundation Laying Ministries #9

The Church is a spiritual temple. Jesus Christ is the Foundation of this spiritual temple and we, God’s people, are the living stones that are being built upon this Foundation. (I Corinthians 2:11, I Peter 2:4-10) Apostles and prophets help to lay that foundation of Christ for the people of God.

An improper church foundation will lead to difficulties down the road. Study this pattern and see the value of it.