Manipulation In The Body

preachingatvillageI watched the video as the gun was placed to my head. The more I watched, the more I knew the outcome. The person was going to be killed. Shot. And of course that was what happened. (Even as I watched this video went viral. The numbers increasing so rapidly I sat there amazed. (Another snuff film at the hands of the enemy and people were eating it up. Please stop!)

The man yanked me up and said, “do you see that? That is what we are going to do to you.” I simply replied, “God won’t let you.”

The dream continued and he never killed me. At some point he walked away in disgust.

I awoke and thought of those who are martyred for the gospel. Killed in their innocence. A list ran through my mind of those I knew and had known.

I thought, “God we are going through a dark period”. And I heard Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Many are walking through this valley. As an old preacher once said to me, “keep on walking” There is an end.”

It is very easy when we come to this place to think God has “forsaken me” and to move into complex bargains and manipulation. Today I call an end to manipulation.

The hardest thing to watch is someone who is going through stuff move to manipulation. It may be with friends or family, but it is has to stop. Why do I connect these things? Because witchcraft is often manipulation. (It may begin with enticement or infatuation, but this is where it goes.) It takes the goodness of God and rejects it. It is the desire to “change the world” without submission to God. It begins with manipulation and soon drops over the edge into rebellion. It is at that place, that the desire “be in the game” manifests with manipulations and rebellion.

Witchcraft happens because of evil power. In my dream people were killed, shot. Why? Because of the desire for power and the belief that they would have a better life. They had become empowered by evil.

Even as I wrote this a “being” stood by me and said “you think I have forgotten”. I would be lying to say I did not have a cold chill in that few seconds.

We have authority over the works of the devil because of the work of the Lord Jesus. He is “like” a roaring lion. But he is not a lion. And yet, I would suggest to you that there is evil and that we are to remove it.

A little manipulation goes a long way. It leads to evil. I bring this up because recently God has caused me to revisit my thinking on the subject of witchcraft. I sense that many are seeing what I see. I know that many are being enamored with things that are causing them to be subject to the spell of evil and one of the first signs, is the manipulation itself.

I deal with a lot of people who work in witchcraft, many who are involved in Wicca. I find its mimicking of Christianity rooted in manipulation. Many bless, bind and loose, prophesy, pray and lay hands, but do they honor God? The portrayal that there is no devil disturbs me in this.

The gift of discernment and discerning is a commodity we need to yield to and allow to flow.

I believe there is more to this and my uncover it in the coming days, but for now, I caution you of being enamored with various things, even people. “All that glitters is not gold” and the devil can come as angel of light.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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