Tag Archives: action

Action or Reaction – 2 Ways We Approach Life


I love to write. Yet, I allowed a circumstance or two, to take me off my game in the area of life this past year or so.

Life can do that. Continue reading Action or Reaction – 2 Ways We Approach Life

Practice, Purpose & Beauty

2015-09-05 12.52.11“Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”

How many times have I seen that? Thought about it? I understand what folks are saying but it leaves so much up to happenstance. Serendipity. (Many years ago I taught on a response to that from the side of a believer, one empowered by grace and infused with love.) Continue reading Practice, Purpose & Beauty

The Whys Of The Wise

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Sixteen years ago I wrote the following article. Amazing how much has changed. I value “why” more than “how” or “what”. I value action because “I can” and not because “I have to”. I control my time and not the other way around. I love more.

5/14/98 Action/Reaction

Yesterday, Tina and I had a conversation over action versus reaction. I told her that I wanted to be actionary, as so much of what I do as a pastor is from a reaction position. Continue reading The Whys Of The Wise