Tag Archives: church

A Friend Falls In His Life


ForgiveWhen I was a child I had a friend. A year older than me I met him through school when I moved to the small rural community. He and I had a lot of similar hobbies and interests. Recently I was reading about his death.

The topic of his death came up in a Facebook  thread I had been looking at. Someone was complaining about the past. About school, about teachers and parents. As I watched what I realized was this person was looking for a wrong to be righted.

My friend did not just die. He died many years ago. Over 40 years ago. The people on the thread wanted to extract justice from people who were dead. People who had done things to them. To others. Continue reading A Friend Falls In His Life

Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

2012-04-22_08-03-20_978I often am giving thought to the “whys” of life. I look for God’s purpose in each situation. I want to hear from Him. I was the kid who never stopped asking questions.  One of those thoughts often has to do with how we “make things better.” I am concerned about the folks who are not plugged into God. Perhaps they never heard. Perhaps what they heard was false and ingenuous.  That bothers me. We are the church. And with that…

I think a lot about those who “walked” away from the Lord. The reason for my quotes in the previous sentence is that for the believer who has accepted Christ, how do you walk away? Does the circumcision by God (In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, Colossians 2:11) done in you get restored? Is He going to put it back on? Continue reading Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

Vision Of Rain and Dreams of Threes

Last night I was sitting here, staring off into “space” waiting for my wife to complete a few things so we could hang out.

VISION October 8th 2013

I saw “moisture” in the air like thick fog but thicker. Many things formed before me, but I came away with this.

It is interesting that God calls the “dry land”, earth in the book of Genesis, only to soon form man from that earth and breathe life into him, causing him to be a living soul. Man has “moisture” entered into him and life begins. He begins to breath. God the one who has a voice like “many waters” by His breath (even in Job-“Hast thou entered the treasuries of the snow, Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,”) life is formed. Christ talks in Luke of the soil that has no moisture and the inability of the seed to grow. Also we find in Ezekiel that Ezekiel is asked to speak life over bones. The skin forms a containment of the moisture.

(See water below!)

I saw last night that there is a rain coming like we have never seen before. (Immediately you thought a hard rain-but I say no.) It is a rain with drops like gold. The enemy of the Lord is about to be turned over by His people. For the rain falls upon the just and the unjust.

There is a rain coming. As CCR asked in a song…
“I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin down on a sunny day ”

We have not seen this rain.

That was it for last night.

Dreams & Awakenings from October 9th very early.

I call it Threes-
At 3AM I was awakened, thinking about the baby dedication I have been asked to do this weekend. Back to sleep. 2 more times I was awakened. Each time thinking about from a dream or something what was to happen on Sunday the 13th. The third awakening brought me into an atmosphere where gold drops of rain fell on people and healing and deliverance were rendered. At one point I saw flags or banners being waved over people (Song of Solomon 2:4) and much healing came. They looked like flames of fire. (Acts 2:3)

I sensed something wonderful, something sovereign to happen this weekend. I know we have a guest speaking. I know we have a baby dedication. I know what I know, but I perceived what is to happen is what I “don’t” know. I “saw” healings and deliverance. I saw flags and banners, angels and rain. But I sense something else. Continue reading Vision Of Rain and Dreams of Threes

Apostles And Prophets Are Foundation Laying Ministries #9

The Church is a spiritual temple. Jesus Christ is the Foundation of this spiritual temple and we, God’s people, are the living stones that are being built upon this Foundation. (I Corinthians 2:11, I Peter 2:4-10) Apostles and prophets help to lay that foundation of Christ for the people of God.

An improper church foundation will lead to difficulties down the road. Study this pattern and see the value of it.

Plan B – Growing An Alternative Perhaps

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

A lot of my friends need a Plan B. Members of my family could use a Plan B. Few people adhere to plan A with the ferocity of a Tim Tebow, who regardless of what has been offered is planning on living out his plan A of being a quarterback in the NFL. But I would bet you that Tim Tebow in fact, has a plan B building in his life. I would imagine he has a  form or stream of income that is being created. A career after football, perhaps.

A plan B does not mean you give up on plan A. It is simply an option, or a fallback position or something that gives you great joy. Continue reading Plan B – Growing An Alternative Perhaps

What Is The Church Of Today?

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

I was engaged in a small chat yesterday. I thought we have relegated the “newness” of God to a “coming” and not a “here” thinking as I watched what others have to say. Our actions in “tomorrow” speak louder than our actions of today.

“This is the day that the Lord hath made.” Psalm 188:23-25

What is it that we are “waiting” on? Our tomorrow is today if we see that. While our naturalness is catching up to our spirit, we have the potential to open it up today. Continue reading What Is The Church Of Today?

Celebration And Memories

Birthday in Northford with friends and family
Birthday in Northford with friends and family

Celebration And Memories

I awoke at 4AM. I would like to tell you that it was because I am so excited about today. But, the truth is I had a pretty wild dream, at the same time I could hear Jacob talking in his sleep and Tina was pulling on the covers. So 4AM it is.

I have devoted time to prayer, meditation and coffee!  I am focused on the goodness of God in my life. I am encouraged in so many areas of my life. There are a few I would like to see God move in, but knowing I cannot do it, He can and I will let Him, takes the pressure off me.

Today, as I have for many a year, I celebrate my birthday. Friends and family will be here. I realize some may think I do it just to do something different, but that is not true. I struggle with relationships. I want them, but often times who I am and how I function make it hard for me. Too often I have let work, business or ministry supersede real relationship in my life. Being a loner was easy. “Hermits are us!” I need my down time, my quiet time and my no time.

Today is the day of the year where I see lots of family. (This year all my kids will be here. That has not happened for a while.) My family is precious to me. I have been on the other side with no family. (As a friend said in conversation yesterday, “foolish drinking and not working are not ingredients for success.” That was me.)

My children mean the world to me. Their children mean as much. A new addition to the family will join us today. Her name is Hannah Lynn.

Today many friends will be there. Some from business, some from years of friendship, some new and a vast majority join us today from our church gathering. I am excited about seeing them.

But I also share a part of my heart with those who cannot be here. My parents went on to be with the Lord many years ago. My birthday memories will always include them. My brother in Maine cannot be here. My sister is out west this summer. Over the years I have had my nieces here.

Many have shared these days with me over time. Some are no longer part of my life. Others have gone home to be with Him. I do not forget them or take lightly the influences they have had in my life and the life of those I influence. I look at pictures and reflect on the good stuff God has done for me. 6 years ago my daughter moved in with us with 3 children. I have seen God do some amazing things. Today is less a celebration about my birthday and more a celebration of “look what the Lord has done!”

Today, as it has in the past will be a day of memory creation. How thankful I am of that.

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.
Helen Keller

The Fence Around The Church

Who comes to your church? I often ask myself does it look like those of Jesus’ companions. Tax collectors, prostitutes and those not “allowed” in church. I can honestly say our fellowship looks more and more like that. I am excited about that! Why? It means they feel welcome. Did you know they felt welcome to be with Jesus, despite their sins, their strongholds and their belief?

Many of my friends are crying out that “God lost America” yesterday. If He is that weak then why would you serve Him? I assure you He is not. The difficulty for many is to realize God gave a group of people all authority here. It is on us.

For years we built a fence to keep “them” out. If you think I am talking about immigration you would be wrong. I am talking about the fence we “built” around the church. Before I was saved, I was a them.  Now I am an “us”? Does that really make sense in light of scripture?

The Supreme Court ruling yesterday does nothing for me except to highlight the need for “limited” or smaller government. There are many reasons for limiting government. One is people get to live life as God intended it…with freedom. Whether that freedom sends “chills” up your back or not, that is the freedom God intended and Jesus advocated. He never was “okay” with their sin but He wasn’t okay with them being outside His “reach” either. I want small government. My opinion, my choice. (Have you read the papers? Are you seeing any overriding value to “bigger is better” when it has to do with control?)

With that said.

There is a difference between influence and control. Jesus never intended to “control” anyone. Dominion “can” come by control, but it is better when the people buy into it.

For years our “us vs. them” mentality has grown. We have taken scripture, used it without context, to control or condemn, and forgot about love. We pulled our children out of schools and bemoan the lack of educational values, including morality. (I am not against Christian schooling or home schooling, my question is your reasons. My wife and I have done both.) Paul said “And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14

One of the reasons I appreciate being in business and around people is I am around the “sinner.” I was speaking to a friend of mine who works in business. He was “bemoaning” the fact that employees are getting saved and coming to work saying “I am interested in church.” He said it makes it hard to find people to work Sundays!

God never intended our reach to be confined to a building of “good” people. His intent all along was to reach the broken, the downtrodden, the sinner. He intended His death, burial and resurrection for all mankind.

After 20 plus years of life with Him, I feel I can say so many have become “churchified,” failing to be subjects of the King, hence the word Kingdom, that sight of the goal has been lost. It tells us that the “heathen” was given for our inheritance yet many poo poo the idea of the lost, their thinking on various subjects and more.

Let me be frank. We have lost inventors, singers, businessmen and more because of our ungodly attitude towards people. We have acted like the world too often to have influence a lot of the time. If our neighbors do not know we are believers that to me, is a problem. If our coworkers do not know that is a problem. And last but not least, if our children do not know.  In the latter I am speaking of the child who goes to church and sees parents “pose” for the cameras and go home, lacking love or affection.

Before we denigrate those in Congress, the Senate, the Presidency or the Supreme Court we must look at our own actions. I am painfully aware of the difference between a believer and an unbeliever. I know the end game. I am not saying do not hold those accountable to their oaths of office. BUT, do not hold them to a higher standard than you hold the church.

All sin was paid for. Theirs, yours and mine.

Let us get back to the place of practicing the walk of Jesus. Not in a religious manner but with the love that He walked in.

I read today of a famous pastor and government leader who in light of the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA said, “Jesus wept.” If Jesus wept, it is because His church is quick to point the finger anywhere but at their own efforts. We pulled out of government, we pulled out of schools, we pulled out of life, all for the sake of bad teaching and theology. We missed the very thing He was trying to do. Establish HIS kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

If you are dismayed about the ruling, can I suggest it is time to search one’s soul and ask the obvious. Have I influenced those about me with His goodness? Have I made known His name? Have I condemned or have I freed? Have I locked them out and locked myself in?

For the sake of this generation I lay down my life(My thinking, my desires, my hopes and I supplant them with his!) to carry out His words and His will. God was not looking for a democracy or a republic. He was looking for a people. For He is God and that is a theocracy. Where He is the head and we are the body.

And that folks…is a wrap.