Tag Archives: college

Look Out For The Destiny Breakers

leejohndrowteamAs a prophetic voice, I find that I am often calling out the destiny, the calling and the purpose in people’s lives. I am looking for the gold in the middle of their life. So often that “gold” is buried under the dirt of not understanding the value of their life. “Why would God want me” is a question I often walk into. “How could God use me?”

Often the dirt that needs to be removed has to do with circumstances and people who have left them broken on the “trash pile” of life. Continue reading Look Out For The Destiny Breakers

Maybe, Just Maybe We Are Readying For A Gold Rush

trashWhen you have lots of dreams you often wonder what is for you, what is pizza and what has relevance to others. Last night was a night where I had some 10 dreams. This was after not thinking I had really seen a dream for 2 days. Continue reading Maybe, Just Maybe We Are Readying For A Gold Rush