Tag Archives: eagles nest

Arisen In New England


leejohndrowteamA few days ago, I was praying about some things and I felt this powerful pressure come upon me. It caused me to sense I was in His presence. I grabbed my phone and recorded what was being said. Part of it I am going to share today. I sense that it is for today predicated on a few things. The world seems to be moving in slow motion this morning. And I had a powerful dream that I am going to have to process through. I had something totally different to work on this morning in mind, but I believe this is it. Continue reading Arisen In New England

The Lord Keep You – Because He Can!

nachosLast night I spent some wonderful time with friends and my wife. Dinner (Nachos) and homemade cheese cake with lots of fun and laughter. Those are the things you look upon and say “memories” putting aside the things of the world. Oh sure we joked about the NSA’s ability to turn on phones, computers and TVs to film and listen in, but who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

My trust is in Him. Certainly I pray against those things, confounding the works of darkness with my words. But at the end of it all I trust in the Lord to “keep” me. That word means “to keep, to have charge of, to protect or to save one’s life.” So, in the words of Bobby McFerrin, “Don’t worry. Be happy!” Continue reading The Lord Keep You – Because He Can!