A few nights ago, I was questioning my “existence”. I was not discouraged or depressed, but I definitely felt like there was a rabbit hole of sorts about me. My wife was away and God and I were having a pow wow about my life. Perhaps I had pulled out my checklist at some point. “This is good. This…not so much. This I do well. This is I stink at. Etc…” “Why am I here?” My “WISE” had turned to “WHYS”. Not necessarily the “bestest” of places to be. But I had to work through it.Continue reading Stop, Drop And Roll – It Time To Overcome The Fire Of Fear!→
ISIS, Ebola, EV-D68, ABC123…Okay, the last one is not a real one…yet…
I am jumping out into the deep end this morning. I want to talk about fear mongering. Most of us know what fear is. We have experienced it. Perhaps it was a frightening situation in a vehicle, the sickness of a family member, or well, something like Halloween. Ask me about those and I am more than willing to share my experience! But, what has come to me recently is the amount of people who are living in fear. Continue reading Being A Vessel Of Light→
Yesterday I wrote about fear. Fear manifests itself in many ways. It can occur when you look at your wallet or bank balance. It can strike when sickness enters into a life.