Tag Archives: energy

Hidden No More

leejohndrowteamThe company had hired me to uncover espionage. Most of it the corporate, milk toast kind of espionage. Only occasionally had it proved to be “dangerous” as people were found to be stealing. Much of it was pretty simple. But my degree of intuitiveness (That is what my company would call it.) had helped me.

The hard part was my coworkers thought I just occupied a desk and took lots of trips. I never really had “conversations” with them. The upper echelons did not really want to be “affiliated” with me, leading to a lonely workplace environment. (I suspected the corporate side had a few secrets themselves.) Continue reading Hidden No More

Live For 1,000 Years?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I woke up this morning and thought, “I will use the beginnings of what I sketched out for today” but for some reason the task of that thought process is daunting. I looked at it and felt my “energy” level too low to accomplish. Not sure why. Did not stay up very late. My dreams were “rough” but not abnormal. My dreams are still in “ponder” mode.

I thought maybe I would table the thoughts of the last week or so where I have posed some questions I felt needed to be asked of myself as well as perhaps by others, but reading a friend’s post brought a topic near and dear to my heart. So, I will jump off her thoughts. Continue reading Live For 1,000 Years?

A Trip To Inerton – A Dream August 5th, 2013

This morning I awoke about 4 from an unusual dream even for me. In the dream I was aboard an airplane. The airplane was flying over the Atlantic Ocean. On board with me were 2 associates. Two young women were accompanying me to what I believed to be the Olympics. As the plane began to descend, I asked where we were going, one of the young women responded, with “Inerton.” I replied with, “that’s weird, I have never heard of it.” As we were preparing to land there was tremendous explosion nearby. The plane shuddered and arced away sharply. “They have blown up the airport” I was told. “We will make an emergency landing because the gear was damaged.” As I looked out the window I saw flames and smoke. As the plane descended I began to see that we were going to land on a highway. Everything went into slow motion. As we dropped the wings began to hit poles and finally with a loud screech, we came to a stop and we settled. Doors began to open and the women and I were taken down the emergency ramps. (It was then I realized there were no other passengers, but only us and the staff.) As I tried to look around a large black car came up near us and we were scrambled into it. The car took off at a normal speed, no emergency maneuvers or evasion techniques that I could discern. Continue reading A Trip To Inerton – A Dream August 5th, 2013

The Painting Of God -His Response To Paint Me A Picture

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

This morning I awoke feeling kind of blank. Perhaps it is the couple of late nights, early mornings or maybe the ramifications of a rollercoaster week.  Whatever the reasoning, I just sat here, listening. “God, paint a picture for me” I asked.

The picture began to appear. The first few strokes were large brush strokes of brilliant yellows and oranges. The picture developed a glow. And then the stabbing, jerky strokes of dark colored browns, reds and greens appeared. The glow never stopped but it seemed to be only on the edges. The middle of the painting being filled with the darkness of color.  I knew what colors, what brilliance was underneath the darkening layer, but I could not see the fullness of the beauty.

Lately I have pondered how in the midst of so much goodness, I have felt or witnessed the pain that has come alongside. I said the other night it is as if a rubber band was being stretched. I suspect some of it has to do with the time of summer we are in. But I know it is more than that. I know that the economy, relationships, sickness and more have affected people. The answer for many has been to get busier, to invest more time. It has been a placebo for many. As someone who often helps people channel their energies, utilize their resources and manage their time, I see this pitfall occurring in these three lies that are frequently believed.

  • There is only so much available time in a day.
  • Our resources are limited by their reality and our belief in the favor on our life.
  • Our energy is housed in our being

With those three constraints, let me say first and foremost, I believe God can do anything AND I believe He wants to. BUT I also believe He has delegated the procedure and the process of the “distribution” to His people. Therefore we are the “quartermasters” of His goodness. The purveyors of heaven. Continue reading The Painting Of God -His Response To Paint Me A Picture