Tag Archives: featured

Love Your Enemies


2014-03-15 11.16.51Today I was thinking about a rant from a “friend” on Islam and terrorism. I disagreed with it. Why did I disagree? Because how can you reach those you hate? I don’t agree with terrorism in any shape or form. But I know someone needs to reach them. Certainly, my friend will never reach one… Continue reading Love Your Enemies

Mothers Day-A Day of Thankful Remembrance

My mom and dad bring me home!
My mom and dad bring me home!

Mothers day

Everybody has a list of things mom did, but I have a short list of things mom didn’t do, as well.

My mom never took sass from any of us kids. The only issue she had with 4 kids was whether she could get the majority of us for what we did. (Pretty sure it was my brother David’s fault any ways!!!) I probably need to say “thanks” for the things she didn’t do first.! Continue reading Mothers Day-A Day of Thankful Remembrance

Hung Up On God

leejohndrowteamThe other night I had a dream. In the dream friends were comparing me and a friend of mine to one another. The difficulty was that they were making my friend sound “less spiritual” because he did not talk about the prophetic, visions or dreams. I though about it for a while and I realized that they were looking for the “fire” while my friend was trying to impart strength and understanding of the word of God.

The schisms are less than before but we still have division. We speak of Psalm 133 and yet we allow things to divide us. Continue reading Hung Up On God

Thoughts from 5 Years Ago

leejohndrowteamI am pulling together some notes that have been sitting on my files for a number of years. The following is one of those. I will add notes as things have changed or come to pass.

April 2007

Last night was one of those great nights, marked by people participating. People getting involved. One of my problems is I always try to squeeze a lot in. Last night was no different. Continue reading Thoughts from 5 Years Ago

Sometimes Family Brings Up Difficult Feelings

leejohndrowteamRaw Feelings
I played enough sports to know that if you take hit to the “privates” or you get hit in an eye or the solar plexus, you stay down until the world stops spinning. You just suck it in and relax and let the pain ebb. And I have been around my 58 years and endured some losses and some crazy times that have removed my breath.

Today (5/2/14) I found out something so shocking, honestly it “took my breath away”. Something I thought to be true had changed yet one more time. But this time the results were not like the first time of change. Back then I had someone to “hold” on to and at least walk through it. Today, I am the big kid, the one stuck with the knowledge. Continue reading Sometimes Family Brings Up Difficult Feelings

Uncovering Treasure Is A Sign

leejohndrowteamI am a serious history buff. My mom was a dynamic history and English teacher and all her love for history rubbed off on me. My mom did not just “teach”us history, she would “show” us history. She would load us in the family car and drive us to Boston, Philadelphia or Plymouth. She would take us to museums and historic sites. I “lived” history and to this day that is my approach.

My wife got got recently “hooked” on this TV series about treasure hunting in the ocean, turning up sunken ships and submarines and pulling treasure out of them. It is kind of ironic that today I found myself reading this headline. 1,000 Ounces Of Gold Recovered From 1857 Shipwreck. The second I saw the headline, things starting pinging on my “radar”. I knew there was something prophetic, something hidden. I began to do my research. When I saw the headlines, my mind began to to see the recovery of wealth that was coming. Continue reading Uncovering Treasure Is A Sign

People Need People To Grow

leejohndrowteamWithout community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dorothy Height

Last night I was fortunate to be able to celebrate a friend’s birthday at a local restaurant. A few of us gathered together together, surprising her. (Her husband had planned it!) It was amazing. As the conversations moved about the table, the friendships strengthened and the community advanced. Community is formed by relationships. As people’s lives overlap others, the community forms and advances. Continue reading People Need People To Grow

Don’t Let Your Dreams Be Stolen

leejohndrowteamToo often we see ourselves changed by situations and circumstances. It is somewhat like being in a car traveling and a large gust of wind comes up, causing a change, even minor, in direction. Or you are traveling in icy weather and the car slides in a direction you had not expected. Oops! What I thought I was doing has changed. Sometimes dramatically. Sometimes it seems like there is no other way to get back to the place you were. Continue reading Don’t Let Your Dreams Be Stolen

Will I Love?

Jacob 002Today is Sunday. My friends have already joked “May the fourth be with you”. Me, I have never been much of a sci-fi person. My dreams, my life, are pretty weird to begin with, so the idea of going to see something weird, well, I am just not there. Continue reading Will I Love?

Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

Prophesying over my friends.
Prophesying over my friends.

Last night one of my dreams put me in a place of contention with a friend over the world, economics and the topic of bankruptcy versus redemption. He was telling me that in the process of his loss he had been able to develop a process of redemption rather than bankruptcy allowing him and his wife to move ahead.

Now, as I awoke I thought about it. First, the reality of it. (Could not validate his point.) Then on to his points. Continue reading Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours