Tag Archives: Firesign Theater

The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free


MarcelIndependence Day

As I wrote in the books I gave my grandchildren, some of the words (Besides “I love you!”) included “I am glad you are here.” “This is a day to celebrate freedom. Be all you can be. Experience freedom!”

Freedom is important. Without freedom how can you or I be all we were called to be. If we lived in a place like China or North Korea, what would be our “freedom experience”? I have been to foreign countries, had third world experiences. I have seen the devastation, the depression and the lack of freedoms. Freedom is better! Continue reading The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free

Shhhh… Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of Five Chefs?

cooks“Too many cooks will spoil the broth”…remember that!

A few weeks ago I had an interesting dream.(December 7th 2013) In that dream I went into a restaurant. The restaurant looked very similar to one I had owned in the early 1980’s. As I walked through the double doors I felt something change. Like there was a lift in the atmosphere.

I looked over the stainless steel shelving and instead on one or two chefs, I had five. The night was expected to be normal, perhaps 200 dinners, why the five chefs? Continue reading Shhhh… Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of Five Chefs?