Tag Archives: angel

The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free

MarcelIndependence Day

As I wrote in the books I gave my grandchildren, some of the words (Besides “I love you!”) included “I am glad you are here.” “This is a day to celebrate freedom. Be all you can be. Experience freedom!”

Freedom is important. Without freedom how can you or I be all we were called to be. If we lived in a place like China or North Korea, what would be our “freedom experience”? I have been to foreign countries, had third world experiences. I have seen the devastation, the depression and the lack of freedoms. Freedom is better! Continue reading The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free

Close Encounters Of The God Kind

preachingatvillageA week or so ago, I wrote on to tactics of the enemy. One was being disconnected. The other was an attack on health. I received a lot of communication from folks indicating that they were encountering one or the other, or sometimes both. The issue is not whether I correctly saw, but what we are going to do with it.

In December of 2005, I had a couple of dreams. They were brought back to me. Continue reading Close Encounters Of The God Kind