Tag Archives: instigator

Creativity In All The Right Places

leejohndrowteamThis morning I had a dream that was so real. So amazing. When I awoke I wanted it to be real. The reason is the person in the dream I have been praying for for almost 20 years. The dream had the “real” compassion of God locked up in it. Continue reading Creativity In All The Right Places

Every Church Needs A…

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

Having been in the church some 20 plus years I find I know less now about what the church needs today than I did when I entered this life.

I find that Christ, apostle Paul and handful of proverbs have had way more understanding about what the church has needed than I ever could. In the beginning I thought I could fix, be innovative, relevant only to find I caused more angst than I did cohesiveness. Continue reading Every Church Needs A…