Tag Archives: love

People Need People To Grow

leejohndrowteamWithout community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dorothy Height

Last night I was fortunate to be able to celebrate a friend’s birthday at a local restaurant. A few of us gathered together together, surprising her. (Her husband had planned it!) It was amazing. As the conversations moved about the table, the friendships strengthened and the community advanced. Community is formed by relationships. As people’s lives overlap others, the community forms and advances. Continue reading People Need People To Grow

The Restoration Of Honor And Value

leejohndrowteamAfter a night full of “war” dreams I thought it prudent to just get up! Lots of them. I fully “expected” to see something like “WWIII Has Begun” with all those dreams.

The first dream seemed to be about the post Civil War era, though everything seemed modern. In the dream the North was forcing the South to remove their outer clothing. They gave them nothing in return for the outerwear, but somehow, “generic” clothing appeared. Continue reading The Restoration Of Honor And Value

What Does This Mean? Valuing Discernment

helicopter1Last night I was in a dream. Somewhere deep in the dream, my wife woke me with “What is that? When?” I came out of the dream quickly. I moved into thinking someone was in the house. After assuring myself everything was okay, I went back to bed. (She had already gone back to sleep!)

I did not sleep well after. I looked for the place I was in the dream. I had left part of “me” behind. My last recollections in the dream were moving into a home to help people. It was a war zone. I had a knapsack and it had my “possessions” and they were left behind. In this knapsack were supplies. I know they will use them, but I felt empty. Drained. Continue reading What Does This Mean? Valuing Discernment

With Christ There Is More To Love

Yesterday I shared two dreams. My “concern” after reviewing them was that people are separating and leaving love behind.

Within 12 hours or less, I “ran” into a couple of things that just “prove” my thinking AND my need to act in an opposite spirit. An opposite spirit is for instance when someone sows discord you sow harmony, peace and grace. Continue reading With Christ There Is More To Love

A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

Two dream settings

One was a school room for a get together of friends from a church I was involved in. In the dream people were invited to the gathering with the concept that our “agenda” was to love people. The difficulty came as we sat at tables to talk. After a while people began to walk out. They wanted teaching!

People went outside and finally returned after being upset that there was no “agenda”. Even in the re-announcement of what the purpose was people were disappointed that not more revelation was going to be given. (Funny they went outside to be “friends” with one another.)

The second dream was like a very large school. Huge areas, lots of students. But while I was walking around I sensed this shift.  A very clear division had begun to arise. What was supposed to be two sides of playing together began to turn very ugly. As I headed towards the stairs a young man with a rifle appeared and began to cut off my entrance to the open stairway. He came right at me and ran into me pushing me to the side. Others began to fight. Continue reading A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

Have You Embraced Your Neighbor?

thanksgivingSo often I am faced with a situation where I get to pray for another. As we enter into the trinity of holidays, with Thanksgiving and turkeys, family and friends, I felt the Lord saying, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:39-41

I was reminded of the story Jesus shares about the good Samaritan and his aid to an injured man.

And he said, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do the same.” (Luke 10:30-37)

So often, I personally get “caught” up in busyness and while I feel no condemnation about missing an opportunity, I wonder what I have missed. Continue reading Have You Embraced Your Neighbor?

Multiplication Is Easy

jesus-and-mary2This was an amazing weekend for us at Village. Ordinations, families, friends, food and faith. We had friends visiting from around the region. I want to say thanks to my church family for being one of the most awesome people on the planet!

During that time I felt the Lord speaking to me about family. I began to get this picture of two people, a husband and wife as they embarked on their relationship together. I saw the siblings show from time to time, the parents and grandparents as well. But the new life that was to be added to the family would come from them and their love for one another. In the natural they would develop friends and those friends would sit at their tables. But ultimately “new” life would come through them. There was dynamic working. And I was reminded of a vision I had on Saturday night. Continue reading Multiplication Is Easy

Family Is Best!

In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)
In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)

On my Facebook I have an ongoing message with my wife and children, called “Family Is Best!” (It is here we share with one another daily things, prayer requests, great things and little things.) There is no doubt in my mind in the truth of that statement. I have weathered enough storms and circumstances in 58 years to know.

I am the child of divorced parents and divorced twice myself, but I still have no thought in my mind that anything is better than family. Family is God given, God designed. Continue reading Family Is Best!

God Loves You A Lot!

Yesterday while walking I was meditating about the Lord and the fact that He loves me. I have so many friends that struggle with that. They cannot conceive that the maker of the universe would love them.

Last night I was trying to help a young mom work through some of the more difficult times that she had gone through. She suffered through shame and guilt as the result of these times. I was going back and forth with her over the idea that God REALLY loves her. A well-meaning friend had convinced her she deserved all the bad things and that as long as everyone else would be okay she would walk through it. Continue reading God Loves You A Lot!