Tag Archives: love

Fear Minimized – God Maximized!

Jacob 002When I was a small child, perhaps 3-4 years old, I awoke one night frightened. Perhaps it was something outside my window or something I could not figure out. But, what I did know, was that my parents were but a few doors away, right down the hallway. Continue reading Fear Minimized – God Maximized!

Wanting To Hear From The Lord

leejohndrowteamI have been around long enough to have seen a few things in my life. One of the things I do is encourage people to hear from the Lord. To hear from Him directly. How do I know? Everywhere I turn there are dream sites and meetings. I have taught on prophecy and dreams for years.

But there are two observations I have. One is the person who is always looking for an answer from someone. (I personally believe you hear better for you than I do for you!) They are wanting to have someone else do it. I think it interesting that we think enough of a dream or a word to believe it from God but we do not trust that we have the ability to employ discernment or understanding. Wisdom AND revelation ought to walk together Continue reading Wanting To Hear From The Lord

What Me Worry? Love Is The Answer!

leejohndrowteamIt was raining pretty hard as I drove down the country road. There were two others in the car. I saw the person long before we got really close. She was wearing a white coat.I knew I had to stop and pick her up. I opened the rear door and she got in. She thanked us and answered the questions folks asked of her. She needed to make a call but there was no cell service, so I offered her the phone in the farmhouse we were headed to. Continue reading What Me Worry? Love Is The Answer!

Where Does My Hope Come From?

preachingatvillageToo often in our lives we are confronted with the idea that we don’t count. That what we do does not matter.

The last week I watched yet one more crazy incident affect the lives of neighbors, school children and a community. The issue is not the incident itself but the feeling of hopelessness that has gripped the community. As I read the blogs, the articles, the comments, it is clear that the “insecurity” that has prevailed is increasing rather than decreasing. “Doesn’t God love everyone Lee?” Absolutely! I believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Continue reading Where Does My Hope Come From?

Fathers Day Week Part 5 – Love As The Father Loves You

leejohndrowteamI am a dad. I want the best for my children and my grandchildren and all the generations to come. And as I come up to Fathers Day next week, it is my heart to write on 5 things that I think are important to dads. As I listen to my grandchildren pray for their “dad” to return to their life, I cry inside. I hurt for them. So, if as a dad, I can stop one child from going through that, then I feel it is all worth it.

Continue reading Fathers Day Week Part 5 – Love As The Father Loves You

Fathers Day Week Part 4 – Honor Your Wife

leejohndrowteamI am a dad. I want the best for my children and my grandchildren and all the generations to come. And as I come up to Fathers Day next week, it is my heart to write on 5 things that I think are important to dads. As I listen to my grandchildren pray for their “dad” to return to their life, I cry inside. I hurt for them. So, if as a dad, I can stop one child from going through that, then I feel it is all worth it.

Continue reading Fathers Day Week Part 4 – Honor Your Wife

Fathers Day Week Part 3 – Love, Discipline And Affirmation

leejohndrowteamI am a dad. I want the best for my children and my grandchildren and all the generations to come. And as I come up to Fathers Day next week, it is my heart to write on 5 things that I think are important to dads. As I listen to my grandchildren pray for their “dad” to return to their life, I cry inside. I hurt for them. So, if as a dad, I can stop one child from going through that, then I feel it is all worth it.

Continue reading Fathers Day Week Part 3 – Love, Discipline And Affirmation

Grace Keeps You Off The Guardrails

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

The other day, my friend Lynn Hiles was here to speak in our church. Our conversation turned to West Virginia and the upcoming conference. He and I had a short conversation about something that happened while I was in West Virgina last September. While I was down there the Lord spoke something very powerful to my heart.

It was not a word that was spoken or part of a message. Here is what I heard and saw.

I was watching a road. On this road was a car. While they were driving, they were starting to slowly swerve side to side. There was guardrails like any country road. As I watched it started to hit the guardrails. First slowly and then a little faster. After being tossed about, finally the car came to a stop. There were dents and scratches all around the car as the result of the actions of the vehicle. I looked at the vehicle and that was when I heard the sound of the Lord’s voice. Continue reading Grace Keeps You Off The Guardrails

More Uncovered Ships!

leejohndrowteamMore hidden treasure appears.

The Santa Maria is thought to be uncovered off the coast of Haiti. Christopher Columbus’ largest ship of the three. (Spanish for The Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception)

Revelation is the uncovering of that which is hidden. (Every time I read my Bible I find something new!)

“All the geographical, underwater topography and archaeological evidence strongly suggests that this wreck is Columbus’ famous flagship, the Santa Maria,” said the leader of a recent reconnaissance expedition to the site, one of America’s top underwater archaeological investigators, Barry Clifford. Continue reading More Uncovered Ships!

Hung Up On God

leejohndrowteamThe other night I had a dream. In the dream friends were comparing me and a friend of mine to one another. The difficulty was that they were making my friend sound “less spiritual” because he did not talk about the prophetic, visions or dreams. I though about it for a while and I realized that they were looking for the “fire” while my friend was trying to impart strength and understanding of the word of God.

The schisms are less than before but we still have division. We speak of Psalm 133 and yet we allow things to divide us. Continue reading Hung Up On God