One of my dreams last night was a trip that I had to take to a small community nearby. But for some reason the way we were going to go was more of a round the mountain trip. We could go dead south(fastest), or in this case travel slightly west at which point we had a more direct route or the road that went around. For some reason I sensed the longer trip was the one, but I struggled with the idea that it was going to take more time and more miles And while the longer route was settled and okay, there was a feeling of “why”. Continue reading Why Wisdom? Why Not? Why, Why, Why
Tag Archives: overcome
Overcomers Or Overcome? The Answer Is Behind Door #2
Today I had to drive over one hour to a work training. On the way there I felt extremely overwhelmed. There were things coming into my mind that I never think about. I saw thoughts of suicide, homicide, depression and so many dark thoughts, I found myself weeping and crying out to the Lord. At first I thought it was me. But as soon as I got through the first turn of the company’s parking lot, the feelings lifted. Respite. What was all that I wondered. Continue reading Overcomers Or Overcome? The Answer Is Behind Door #2
Gaining Ground- Seeing The Kingdom In Your Life
While on a walk I thought about all of those who are seeing their current situation as “all there is” to life. But life is lived from heaven!
That understanding will change your view and your perspective about daily circumstances.
The victory has been given to you. You are “more than an over comer” because He was the over comer! And all that He accomplished was done with you in mind.
Today changes when you become aware of that reality. His reality is more real than yours!
Giving Up On Life – Let Me Off!

Have you stopped moving ahead? Have you pulled the “vehicle” to the side to let the “faster, younger, informed” ones pull by? Have you given up because it is too hard, too far, too much or too high? Have you confessed your last confession, declared your last declaration and prayed your last prayer because of fear, hurt or pain are causing you to stop? You might be in better company than you think.
I have noticed a lot of people who have said “I cannot do this ANYMORE!” Children, grandchildren, parents, jobs, friends have just become too much. “I want off this train. Out of this world. Stop the bus!” Many have read the book (The Bible) saw the last chapter and said “we win.” And then thrown it out into the future for “when they get home.” But what about now? Today? It says “we win” today…tomorrow and the next day. How? We change the earth. We cause it to look like heaven. Continue reading Giving Up On Life – Let Me Off!