Tag Archives: prophetic

Have I Not Believed

changeLike many, my wife and I have entered a different season. It is on many levels one where you question things. New seasons often trigger challenges, thoughts and reveal patterns of thought or new thinking entirely.

One of the questions I have asked my self is “have I not believed.” One topic is employment. In 20 years neither of us has really gone more than a week without something happening in the employment field. Believing for work has never been “hard” but seemed to cause challenges to fall to the wayside. Continue reading Have I Not Believed

Prophecy Rooms Room 222

Today our church fellowship offers its second “prophecy rooms”. I think it is funny that it is on February 22nd. Prophetic rooms on 222. Room 222.

How many remember Room 222? Guess if you do, you can tell people you are 29 with perhaps 30 years of experience! I liked that show. It was about a school in California. Continue reading Prophecy Rooms Room 222

“Super Bowl Sunday” A Winning Season

The Flames Of Revival
The Flames Of Revival

This morning I was at our church fellowship about 4:30 getting the fire going in the stove, making sure the heat was right and spending some time in prayer.

One of my thoughts was in regard to the Super Bowl. I was thinking how many will be focused on the game. (Well except for the New England Patriot folks…)Tonight one of the largest TV watching times of the year will be upon us. The Super Bowl. Pitting the Denver Broncos against the Seattle Seahawks. And while that is being played think about some of these facts.

More than 100 million pounds of chicken wings will be consumed. Dominos says it will serve over 11 million pieces of pizza. 11.5 million pounds of potato chips along with over 8 million pounds of avocado for the guacamole. Over 50,000 hotdogs at the game itself. 4.3 million pounds of pretzels. Wow! People love to eat. Continue reading “Super Bowl Sunday” A Winning Season

A Fire In New England

goodnewsMany are looking for a fresh word. Are you? I mentioned that yesterday because at best the vessel of prophetic can be viewed with disdain or wrongful allegiance. People often times either love or hate the prophetic. Some may be out of ignorance, some out of having been manipulated or hurt by it.

Many years ago I was in a meeting with a man who became a dear friend over the years. We were talking about how hard it was at that point in time to get a meeting and prophesy because so many had been involved in bad prophecy or “lone ranger” prophetic. (“Hey, if you don’t like me a pox upon your house” mentality by various prophetic voices had sparked resistance.) I myself had faced many the prophet who spoke negative words, words of condemnation and a revelation of “sin” in lives. Continue reading A Fire In New England

New Testament Prophets By Name #7

“It was he who gave some to be…prophets.” (Ephesians 4:11) Prophets stand positioned in the divine counsel of God and are to be interpreters of His divine will and purpose. They receive what is from God’s heart and mind and release it to others through the gifts of preaching, teaching and prophesying. Prophets also have the supernatural gifting and ability given by the Holy Spirit to see and predict future events and warn of things to come. As we learn more about the ministry (the function or grace) of the prophet, we can come to realize how valuable this gifting can be to the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth and also how dangerous it can be to the powers of hell. The prophetic voice is needed more now than ever before.

Jesus Our Prophet #5

This is #5 in our series.

Many Christians today know Jesus as their Shepherd or Pastor, but did you know that Jesus is your Prophet as well? According to the life of Jesus and the scriptures Jesus is Priest, Prophet and King. (Hebrews 7:17-28, Luke 24:19, Matthew 2:2, 21:5)

He is the only man that walked the earth that has held and continues to hold all of these functions or graces. (Through His body.)  Not only is Jesus Priest and King, He is also our Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. (Hebrews 3:1, Luke 24:19, Hebrews 2:10, Matthew 4:17, I Peter 5:4, John 3:2)

This is a very important fact to know.  Why? Because if we want to embrace Jesus, we need to embrace the totality of all whom He is, not just the parts or functions that we choose to. If we want to totally embrace all of Jesus, this includes embracing and receiving His servants or prophets as well.

The Prophet, A Ministry Gift To The Church #4


prophetsThe Lord has given the five distinct ministry gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher to the Church.  (Ephesians 4:11)

Each of these ministries has been given the charge and responsibility by the Lord to work together as a ministry team to help the saints become spiritually mature. They have also been given the divine grace and ability to teach, train and prepare the saints to do works of service for God, in whatever capacity that He has called each of them to serve Him.  (Ephesians 4:12-13, I Corinthians 12:11,18)

There is nothing but stresses when we rely on one man or one woman. Imagine a house built only electricians or plumbers. Continue reading The Prophet, A Ministry Gift To The Church #4