Sixteen years ago I wrote the following article. Amazing how much has changed. I value “why” more than “how” or “what”. I value action because “I can” and not because “I have to”. I control my time and not the other way around. I love more.
5/14/98 Action/Reaction
Yesterday, Tina and I had a conversation over action versus reaction. I told her that I wanted to be actionary, as so much of what I do as a pastor is from a reaction position.Continue reading The Whys Of The Wise→
Many have already said that is an oxymoron. But in reality I do. I have lots of things that just bubble over time in my life. The last few days have been spent “cleaning” up files. Always interesting as I have a number of files that appear “incomplete.” Yet every now and then I will return to them and add a topic or a sentence to them. Continue reading My Method Of Thought -The Wave To Come→
This morning I awoke about 4 from an unusual dream even for me. In the dream I was aboard an airplane. The airplane was flying over the Atlantic Ocean. On board with me were 2 associates. Two young women were accompanying me to what I believed to be the Olympics. As the plane began to descend, I asked where we were going, one of the young women responded, with “Inerton.” I replied with, “that’s weird, I have never heard of it.” As we were preparing to land there was tremendous explosion nearby. The plane shuddered and arced away sharply. “They have blown up the airport” I was told. “We will make an emergency landing because the gear was damaged.” As I looked out the window I saw flames and smoke. As the plane descended I began to see that we were going to land on a highway. Everything went into slow motion. As we dropped the wings began to hit poles and finally with a loud screech, we came to a stop and we settled. Doors began to open and the women and I were taken down the emergency ramps. (It was then I realized there were no other passengers, but only us and the staff.) As I tried to look around a large black car came up near us and we were scrambled into it. The car took off at a normal speed, no emergency maneuvers or evasion techniques that I could discern. Continue reading A Trip To Inerton – A Dream August 5th, 2013→