Tag Archives: snow

Potentially Incredible


leejohndrowteamAs the Northeast faces Snomageddon (The potential of being the largest storm “ever”.)people are making changes and the storm has not arrived. Okay, I do understand wisdom and I do understand snow. I have been in New England for the most part nearly 60 years. I do not think it is “funny” to not get to work or to have trips disrupted or to have your kids home!!! But this storm or any other puts some things on the table. Continue reading Potentially Incredible

Motorcycle Meanderings March 19th 2009

I could be wrong, but I am feeling pretty secure in the fact that the weather is much nicer the last few days. The snow is melting out of yards and cellars may be a little damp, but the days are getting longer and I am feeling pretty excited that real motorcycle season is here. Oh, we may get a storm or two, but not enough to deter us. Many have already begun to rake yards and ready for gardens and flowers. I know my wife was out there making room for the plants breaking through. Continue reading Motorcycle Meanderings March 19th 2009

Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

Protesting global warming
Protesting global warming

Chicken Little I am not.

Chionophobia- Fear of snow

I get nervous when people start calling for safety over sanity. Have you ever read the warning labels companies are forced to affix to a product? All that “research”, legal mumbo-jumbo and added paper costs you money. These are but a couple…

  • “Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet.” — In the information booklet.
  • “Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish.” — On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.
  • “For external use only!” — On a curling iron.
  •  “Do not drive with sunshield in place.” — On a cardboard sunshield that keeps the sun off the dashboard.
  • Label (on website): Do not eat.
    Product: Apple’s iPod shuffle

Continue reading Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

Cabin Fever- Are You Embarrassed By Your Cabin Fever Skills? Here’s What To Do

We are fast approaching that time in New England where people are at odds with just about everything. As we just missed yet another storm (Storm warnings!), people are trying to figure it all out. In Vermont we have had a lot of snow. And like others, the un-shoveled roof leaked a little. And this is before all the really big storms we sometimes get in March and April. The mantra “spring is in the air” has been floating around for weeks. Everyone is saying it and wanting to believe it. It is always interesting to me that as we come out of fall and into winter 35 degrees is COLD! But at this time of year, 35 degrees is the breath of spring. Continue reading Cabin Fever- Are You Embarrassed By Your Cabin Fever Skills? Here’s What To Do