Category Archives: Tidbits & snippets

The Front Porch Is Just The Beginning

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

For those in New England there is nothing cooler that sitting on a front porch (Not a deck, but a covered porch.) watching the seasons change or enjoying a summer thunderstorm. The front porch meant exactly that. It was the place where you sat and had family times. It was the place of cool summer drinks and times with friends. Many of the front porches I have had over the years, not only kept the weather off, but provided a respite from the heat of the home in summer. A place to watch the river across the street meander by. New England porches usually were close enough to the road in front to wave to strolling neighbors. Often a neighbor would climb the stairs and sit down with you.

I love front porches. I love the sense of community. The fun times. Continue reading The Front Porch Is Just The Beginning

Paint In A Bucket? No Prophecy Can Be Like That

Hitting the target
A word for today.

When asked about prophecy, I have come to see the following conclusion. All the knowledge in the world is useless without application. Paint in a bucket has potential, but until applied…paint in the bucket with potential. Flour in a bag has potential to make a meal. But until used it is flour. And if someone requested blue walls and the can was never opened, but you put down carpet, installed counters, etc., the room would look better but you never accomplished what you were asked and called to do.

I know a lot of people who know a lot of things but have never applied it. How many have taken a class in something but never used it. Certificates on the wall do not change the world. The application of the knowledge received is what changes.

Prophecy is like that. It is not what you know but what you say.

Encourage someone today!

Getting Caught Up In The Stuff

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

I have noticed that many are caught up in the “stuff.” What is the stuff? The stuff is that which affects you and your understanding of biblical principles, seasons of life and the need for legacy.

I feel the need to expound on this at a later date, but provoke your mind at this point in time. Continue reading Getting Caught Up In The Stuff

What Do You Do When The Lord Says No?

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

I was just sitting here working on the prophetic manual and studying. My energy has been pretty low. One nap down and contemplating another. And I was thinking about what happens when the Lord says “no.”

He said no to Paul in regard to Asia Minor at one point. He said no, to David keeping the illegitimate son of himself and Bathsheeba. There are more, I assure you.

My question began as I began to study New Testament prophets in leadership. I struggle, because I want people to “like me” but it is clear that not everything I say or a prophetic voice is going to make one happy.

Earlier I sat here thinking that the stage of complete dominion over the earth still does not mean we get “our way.”

I wrote about marriage the other day and people were offended. I wrote about priorities and filters and people were upset. I wrote about being nice and people were alienated. I wrote about light switches a month ago and people are still talking. I can only tell you what I believe the Lord is saying.

I remember when a prophet told me no. Was not the answer I sought or thought. But he was right. (Not all prophecies in my life have been right. (By the way, what makes a prophecy accurate? Yesterday, while in church, I told a man his town and his street. He looked dumbfounded. I felt dumbfounded. I had not clue why the Lord gave me that. Or for what reason.)

Do we really want prophetic people, functioning prophets in our midst?

The Last Week July 29th 2013

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

Over the last week or so I have seen and heard of many difficult times and troubles occurring in people’s lives. It was almost as if the planets had “unaligned.” I have seen relationship break ups, disasters, sickness, pain and more in the last week. Our own life was touched by the fact that we had arranged a sale of our boat, RV, stove and household contents. By Wednesday they had all evaporated. (Tina and I were not counting on the money, but it would have made life a shade easier.)

So, as people who believe in the finished work of Jesus, the seatedness of our person at the right hand of the throne of God and our faith in Him, what do we do with that? I was encouraged yesterday to hear someone else say “do not make a methodology” of why it did not happen. We can just chalk it up to mystery. Refreshing!

On the other hand we are to stretch forth our hands and declare the wonderfulness of our God. We are to encourage our brothers and sisters in the goodness. Meanwhile there are those declaring and decreeing the opposite. The “witchcraft” is evident to me and to others.  I do not totally know how these things “gain” power or rights, but somehow they get it.

I sense we are in a season of “hard work” not works. Our labor is to enter His rest. (It will be evident by our walk, not our words.) God is determined to see us reliant on Him and Him alone. The result of this type of season is usually that. My friend Dan spoke yesterday about moving from glory to glory and seeing what God was moving to, to being synched up. I think there is much value in this way of thinking. We must see. Yesterday I said to a young woman, “we see heaven because we live there not because we have to get there.” What we see is important.

Our life is to take dominion over the works of the enemy and make earth look like heaven. I do think there are always seasons until we take full dominion. What I mean by that is so much of what we do has shelf life. Songs, ministries, words, even certain relationships. We hate to hear that sometimes, but experience and the word show me the truth behind that. When I look at life as a collection of seasons, I can accept and walk out the good, the bad, the ugly.

So what is legacy? It is that which has eternal promise. That truth which will transcend the generations. Perhaps that which Jesus calls “gold.”

If you have been experiencing the weaponry of the enemy and feeling like it is a difficult time, I get it. For some it is. But at the end of the day we are not subject to the work of the enemy. We are subject to the goodness of God. But it is not about getting angrier, shouting more or freaking out, it is about remembering who you are. Where you are seated and whose team you are on.

Jesus paid the price and set the rules in motion. We get to walk with it. Enter into His rest.

Jesus Cares About The inside

This weekend I was reading a story about someone wanting to cut a young man’s hair. “Pretty please” they begged.

As someone who has sported waist length hair in my years, Jimi Hendrix afro’s, pony tails and more, I wonder how this young man felt. I had a man one time tell me “God likes His sheep shorn short.” I know the church did not care for my long hair or my dress. Nor did they like my cars or motorcycles in many cases. Another man told me he would not be at my church because I rode a motorcycle.

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

So, what is with Jesus on the inside? How do we see external fixings under the heading of God? (I want my kids to look good but it does not change how I see them or love them.) Folks, good, bad or ugly, God loves them and you and has the capability to change them. They may never look like you want them to be, but isn’t it good God looks to the inside.

Our church family grows whether we wear paisley, plaid or print. We are not focused on the outside. It grows because of what is on the inside.

If you want a child to look better, please stop playing the God card. The number one complaint I hear about church people is “there are too many rules.” Stop adding rules, conditions and regulations. It only makes you a Pharisee.

Two Sides Of The Coin-Rejoicing and Weeping

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

Yesterday my friend Mark brought a woman up who had received a check, unexpectedly in the mail for something from 10 years previously. She testified. One of the things Mark said to the body was that  we need to rejoice when others get blessed. Yes it is a biblical principal, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” But there is something about getting excited with someone who is excited. Why pray for healing in others if you are not going to be excited when they get it? I find the more we get excited for others the more we see it happen.

In my book on decrees, I talk about decrees over properties, families and friends. The perspective (At the right hand of the throne of God.) is important to us. When we see just how good it can be or how good it is, we are watching the joy of the Father. What parent would be unhappy to see blessing in a child’s life? If you are upset about it, let me just simply say, “you are shortsighted and selfish.” You need to change your mind about it.

I just read of a parent who lost her son last night. I do not know all the details, but I do know that she does not deserve some of the cutting remarks that I have seen posted. Weep with those of them who are weeping.

I find many find it easier to weep and comfort someone (Maybe it is “thank God this is not me!”) than it is to rejoice with someone who just got a blessing. I would say it is time to change that.

The word rejoice in Romans 12:15 means this:

1) to rejoice, be glad
2) to rejoice exceedingly
3) to be well, thrive
4) in salutations, hail!
5) at the beginning of letters: to give one greeting, salute

Rejoice exceedingly.

I found this in the book of Maccabbees.  It said they “rejoiced” exceedingly at the success of others. EXCEEDINGLY. Get excited about another’s success. About their prosperity or healing. Do not be like the older brother who was disheartened and dismayed at his brother’s homecoming party. Be excited when the body is blessed, for it is a blessing to you!
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How do you see grace?

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

Do you see grace…

  • As the person of Jesus?
  • As a covering for sin?
  • As license?
  • As the power to overcome sin?
  • As guardrails?
  • As a concept?

How you see grace will determine how you walk out life. I see too many who want grace but do not give grace. True grace will not only work in your life, but in your relationships, your circumstances and in your “I don’t feel it times.”