Tag Archives: coins

Relationship or Religiosity – Two Dreams

leejohndrowteamLast night was one of my more “unusual” dream nights. As I awoke around three, one of my dreams had been simultaneous with a second dream. It was if I was watching two programs on different TV’s at opposite ends of the building. Not just two dreams, but I was not even in the same place as each was occurring.

The first dream had to with people who were under siege. They had watched their community slowly give in to a company and its unethical treatment of employees, its surroundings and the community. New signs and stoplights appeared to “regulate” the traffic. New restaurants and stores in keeping with the people of the workplace, but out of touch with the average citizen. Roads began to deteriorate with the traffic in and out. At first it was guards but not too long after it was security walking the streets. There was talk of a new “police” force. Continue reading Relationship or Religiosity – Two Dreams

Treasure Hunt For The Gold

leejohndrowteamThe treasure hunt began. It was near the center of Keene where I live. I watched people going out into the fields where once had stood buildings and homes. Their metal detectors pinging and beeping they quickly covered wide swaths of the area. Every so often one would stoop down and dig something up from the ground. Sometimes a soda can tab, sometimes a utensil but every so often I heard the yelps of joy as a piece of jewelry or coin appeared.

And the kids, they were gathering all types of rocks and minerals and pieces that they were finding. Buckets were fast becoming full. Continue reading Treasure Hunt For The Gold

Don’t Be Fooled By Discouragement

handsheadLast night was multiple dreams throughout the night. The common thread? People needing people. In each dream there was possibility, opportunity and openings. There was also the need for people to come alongside and help. People need people.

Reaching out is key in so many situations. Reaching in is the key in others.

Something is changing. I sense it, I see it, I observe it. Our voices are being heard. I know many are frustrated, disappointed and discouraged. I said yesterday that so many thought 2014 would be the year and already they are pulling the “plug” on it because something did not happen, did not go right. Continue reading Don’t Be Fooled By Discouragement

Seeds And Ideas Sown In Our Lives – The Idea Of Mixture

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

I have been on the subject of distraction for a week or so. (Though I am sensing a shift to “My grace is sufficient for thee…”) I see too often one of the greatest mindsets of the church to change is that, A-His grace is sufficient and B-The cross is where it “all begins.”

Frankly, much of the church has been selling a bill of goods while others are buying the bill of goods. What do I mean by that? We have been telling people what to do, removing their freedom, while the church has refused to take the time to think on its own. (Anyone who did was often pushed to the side because they had the “spirit of Jezebel.”) Continue reading Seeds And Ideas Sown In Our Lives – The Idea Of Mixture