Tag Archives: culture

Legacy Is Light And Life

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

In a dream last night I met with this young person. He was perhaps 20-25 years old. As we talked, He unfolded His knowledge of things. His knowledge included things of God and the Bible. As we continued to talk and I asked questions, more and more his answers were, “I do not know” or I do not know how to do that”. As I left him and continued my journey even in the dream I realized he did not have a “clue” about so many things. He had even shared with me his church experiences and he had seen some very cool things. But these were relegated to an entertainment “status” in mind. Not something he or his friends planned on doing or even knew how to do. His plan was to become more educated, to learn more. Continue reading Legacy Is Light And Life

Udderstanding – Get Off The Milk!

2014-03-15 11.16.51Many years ago my wife and I were traveling through Toronto. Toronto is a very large city. My wife had the map on her lap and I was driving. As the road turned into 8 lanes, I said “hurry up, I am not sure where we are”. This created instant panic and I had to apologize because I really did know where we were, but was kidding around. Okay, so that was not very nice or funny. (Did I ever tell you…) Continue reading Udderstanding – Get Off The Milk!

Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

2014-03-15 11.16.51I awoke today feeling a little “disconnected”. I am not sure the cause but something feels different. Even though, as I have for over 20 plus years, awoke with a song running in the background and people on my heart. That part is the same. But I thought about people who are “missing” out on His goodness because of fear. Continue reading Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

My Family Church, The Village Church

leejohndrowteamSomeone asked me what I think makes our church culture different.

The following are my views and only my views. They are not representative of everyone’s beliefs or experiences. Simply mine. Our core values and thinking can be viewed here.

The fast answer is honor of one another, the love for one another and the fact that we are family.

Continue reading My Family Church, The Village Church

Treasure Hunt For The Gold

leejohndrowteamThe treasure hunt began. It was near the center of Keene where I live. I watched people going out into the fields where once had stood buildings and homes. Their metal detectors pinging and beeping they quickly covered wide swaths of the area. Every so often one would stoop down and dig something up from the ground. Sometimes a soda can tab, sometimes a utensil but every so often I heard the yelps of joy as a piece of jewelry or coin appeared.

And the kids, they were gathering all types of rocks and minerals and pieces that they were finding. Buckets were fast becoming full. Continue reading Treasure Hunt For The Gold

Culture? Environment? It Is ALL Subject To Change!

changeCulture and The Change Within…

Lately I have been feeling the pressure to change the culture. Not just the culture of my community but the culture of the church.  There is a lot out there about the culture and what we “need” to do but my thinking is along the following lines.

From Merriam’s a particular definition set. In bold I am hitting some key words.

a :  the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations

b :  the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also :  the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture>

c :  the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization <a corporate culture focused on the bottom line>

d :  the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic <studying the effect of computers on print culture> Continue reading Culture? Environment? It Is ALL Subject To Change!