Category Archives: Blogposts

Patience Is Preparing a Generation

preachingatvillageDespite going to bed later than normal, I awoke at the same time. And there on the floor was the turtle. (Now the last time I saw a turtle was at my daughter’s wedding in St. Lucia last year. A large sea turtle had crawled up to the base of the stairs and deposited her eggs.) So “seeing” a turtle in my room was a surprise. But there it was. Slowly moving across the floor. And then it turned as if to say “follow me”. Follow you? Where? Why? Continue reading Patience Is Preparing a Generation

Who Has Seen The Rain?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Who has seen the rain?

I had just finished a motorcycle ride with my wife and we had come in to eat dinner. While dinner was finishing up, I heard those words. Great, a John Fogerty song. Creedence Clearwater Revival. I am pretty sure when I was a kid I was not even sure what a revival was or stood for. I knew it as an architecture style and little more. The original name of that band came from a “band member”, Creed. A beer, Olympia, the clear water. And the member’s renewed commitment to the band. Continue reading Who Has Seen The Rain?

The Spirit Of Excellence And You

leejohndrowteamThis morning I was laying in bed following a dream. I was thinking of the phrase “all things with excellence”.

As a child there was always the potential for an “E” or an Excellent grade. It was something to work towards. Something to desire. To be excellent.

Many years later I entered into the Kingdom of God and the church fellowship I was in, was one who practiced excellence. No shortcuts here. If you were going to do something, do it right. Do it properly and do it with excellence. No half measures. Continue reading The Spirit Of Excellence And You

The Cry of Eureka

preachingatvillageUncovering your answer

Yesterday I had a very unusual conversation with someone I have known but a short time. It started with the person saying something and while I was standing they kept “getting in my space”. I was sharing some of my early life before Jesus. Awkward that the room had a number of people in it. I was “trying to be quiet” but it was clear that others were listening. I realized that the listeners were 3 women and 1 man. They pretended to be “occupied” but they kept turning. The more I shared, the closer this young woman got. Everything inside of me wanted to reach out and hug her. I did reach out and put my hand on her shoulder, more to keep my distance. When I did I felt something “shift”. Continue reading The Cry of Eureka

Finding Trusted Counsel

leejohndrowteamIn God We Trust…

One of my gifts is that of teaching people to hear from God. My sincere question to someone describing a dream, vision or something else and asking me my thoughts, is “What is God saying to you about this?” Because at the end of the day it may in fact have more value and more insight then the best prophetic word you can receive. Only the other day a “pre-believer” asked me about hearing from God. In the beginning you may be unsure. You may not even be sure. But, I would say to you God truly has you on speed dial and is looking for you to answer and hear His voice. Continue reading Finding Trusted Counsel

Trials May Not Be Optional

2014-05-03 13.25.11There is no doubt in my mind that there will be times of crisis. Perhaps a loved one is ill or someone has died. Perhaps it is the loss of a job or a change in employment. Seasons come. The scriptures tell us in 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. We will experience trials. Continue reading Trials May Not Be Optional

Encouragement is Key!

preachingatvillageI want to be encouraged. I work hard to be an encourager. I have spoken numerous times on encouragement. It is and ought to be one of the pillars of the Christian walk. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Sometimes you are required to encourage yourself!

A true mentor will encourage the person he is working with. The world has moved in another direction. The generation of “me”. “Me” does not promote others. The scriptures are clear I think that we ought to look out for the needs of others. To lift them up. (Utopia moment…what if every one felt viable, happy and whole?) The mentor who understands the power and value of encouragement will cause their “mentees” to grow well. (Look at Paul and Barnabas in Acts 4:36-37; Acts 9:26-30 and Acts 11:22-30) Continue reading Encouragement is Key!

Growing Up Is The Way To Go

2014-05-03 13.25.11I often wonder what people are thinking. If a child was not gaining weight or growing, people would be concerned. They would begin to investigate the reason behind the lack of growth. Questions would be asked. Is it an organic reason? An environmental reason? Are the parents not contributing to the growth of their child? Something is not right…what is it? We would be concerned. Continue reading Growing Up Is The Way To Go

Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

heargod2I had something pretty much already for this morning’s post on mentoring. Then I went to bed and the dreams kept coming and coming. So, let me share them with you and the connection I have found.

The first dream took me to this place that seemed rural yet populated. There was a man who was singing “If I had a hammer, I’d hammer out danger. I ‘d hammer out injustice…” Now at 3 in the morning I thought that was pretty weird,I will take a note and go back to sleep. (I did.) The dream came back. Someone had given him a hammer.And he was hitting a large steel girder placed in the ground. With each swing of the hammer, the resounding noise would cause the things about to “straighten”, to come into line. The longer he hit the more the “earth” developed harmony and order. Continue reading Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

Character & Integrity Are Important In the Mentoring Process

2014-05-16 18.40.52Yesterday I wrote about mentoring. Many people wrote me about it. I am glad. I think it is often a piece missing in the walk of the believer. Today I want to deal with character a little. I can tell you a lot of people want to mentor, but currently do not have a grid for it. For one there are often areas of life that need to be worked on. This is important in moving ahead for both parties. Continue reading Character & Integrity Are Important In the Mentoring Process