Category Archives: Family

The Christmas Past


JAcobsantaclausWell, the Christmas season is in full swing. And even if the use of the word Christmas is politically incorrect, I am still enjoying a lot of it. It is less than  a week until Christmas. As I have said in the past I would be lying if I was to tell you I am not excited. The idea of having all my children and grandchildren and maybe a friend or two over is so cool to me. This year we have “let up” on the presents except for the grandchildren to help out some other folks and that is just fine with me. I also broke the “Ann Lander’s rule on Christmas letters” to my clients and readers. So, far ALL the letters were thanking me for being a voice, not listening to Ann Landers and thinking about them. Besides no one would ever take me to be PC (politically correct) anyway.
As I write this I am listening to Christmas carols. The fire is going in “my mind” and the Christmas lights are going. The only thing missing tonight is the voices of the grandchildren. And maybe a hot chocolate with my wife.

Last night I visited some awesome lights!

I am thankful for those who have written me and said “I was going to skip the… tree, Christmas, etc., but you have inspired me.” YAY! Continue reading The Christmas Past

Working On The Little Farm

Because I had done so much snow removal and lawn cutting there were various neighbors who thought I could be helpful to them. One of them was an older man originally from Putney Vermont. His name was Ben. He and his wife were confined for the most part to the chairs they carried around. They would move the chairs from one section to another in their yard.

BARROCK1Their yard was like a mini farm. Behind the house were strawberries and blackberries. On his porch the refrigerator carried eggs and produce and people just left money in the coffee can. Across the street was his chicken coop with geese, ducks and chickens. And a garden.

As his and his wife became more disabled he needed more and more help. He asked my parents if I would come work for him. They said “yes.” I loved money so this was an easy thought process. He would pay me a $.50 a day to come down in the morning and evening. Each morning I got up and raced down the road. Taking the two 5 gallon pails up to his house, I would need to get 2 pails of water to take down to the chicken coop. In the garage I would get their feed out and scatter it to the yard for them. I would grab their eggs and take the basket up to his house and wash off the eggs. Putting them in cartons, I would then head back to make the school bus. I did the same in the afternoon. Continue reading Working On The Little Farm

My First Job Growing Up To Work

funny-clever-sign-prank-winter-practical-joke-snowman-snowMy first endeavor was probably snow shoveling and lawn mowing. I lived in a community in Northford Connecticut. A rural community my parents lived on a former dairy farm. I shoveled driveways and sidewalks. Most people paid between $2 and $5 for the work. Sometimes we got multiple snows and I collected well. Tips often included cookies and hot chocolate. When we got the tractor with a snow blower everything was $5-$10. I loved the snow.

I put a small tray out my window. Salt sat in the tray and a wire connected it to the buzzer/light in my room. Snow would fall. Snow would melt. Circuit completed. Buzzer would ring. Preparation to be out early ahead of others would begin. Continue reading My First Job Growing Up To Work

Y2K A Dim Reminder

Many who read this may not remember Y2K or its meaning. A few days ago I was reminded again of the power of media and fear mongering. Reading the “woes” of A&E and Duck Dynasty simply reminded me of two things. How great our God is and how “bent” some of our society is, specifically the media. (Let’s not grow our kids away from the media, but let’s put men and women of integrity in them!)

fearI remember vividly the Y2K impact. Y2K was The Year 2000 problem (also known as the Y2K problem, the Millennium bug, the Y2K bug, or simply Y2K) was a problem for both digital (computer-related) and non-digital documentation and data storage situations which resulted from the practice of abbreviating a four-digit year to two digits. Continue reading Y2K A Dim Reminder

Laughter & You (Or Maybe Me!)


stoogesYep, shorthand for laughter, but it does not properly plumb the depth of the experience. I like to laugh. Ask any friend or family member. I think life is pretty unserious in light of the goodness and greatness. I also think laughter destroys the work of the enemy which is to make you feel pain and lose your joy.

Admittedly when things get tough I look to comedies to change my thinking. I will watch The Three Stooges, Dennis The Menace and other old B&W comedies. And laugh. And laugh some more. Continue reading Laughter & You (Or Maybe Me!)

A Dream On Stewardship

trumpetRide in a limo? Airplanes?

(This will be a long read! Please bear with me.)

Last night one of my dreams took place in front of our church fellowship, The Village Church. In the dream many people were inside the school wing and there was an opportunity to participate in helping get the new limousine ready to bless folks with.

A little back ground on me and limousines. When we had our church fellowship I was preparing to buy a limousine for the church. Not a new one but a nice one. (It even had a hot tub in the back!) My reason was (Other than it was kind of cool…) that I would chauffeur people for anniversaries and birthday parties in the church. And do special things to celebrate successes. Take elderly people shopping. (My wife tells me it was a better idea than the army tank I was going to buy.) But, “cooler” heads prevailed and I was asked to not do that.

The other little background is the road that leads to our fellowship was recently redone including a new bridge and the leveling of the road. (Proverbs 3:6) I see this as preparation.  (Our church building is not on the main drag.)

Continue reading A Dream On Stewardship

Why I Don’t Believe in Rules

Tina to the rescue
Tina to the rescue

Yep. That’s me. No rules.

I hate rules.

I am a believer in small government, trust in God and helping others. Rules do not make it for me. Laws do not make people better. Taxes do not cause people to be better givers. And I do not need the government to help me help others.

I was not always that way. For instance giving for me was difficult thing. (Having any joy over anything was hard.) Becoming a believer in Christ changed that for me. But I struggled with the rules about giving. Now I just give because I want to. Not because I believe I have to or I ought to. (If you want to tithe or give imputed offerings that is your deal.) Continue reading Why I Don’t Believe in Rules

Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

Protesting global warming
Protesting global warming

Chicken Little I am not.

Chionophobia- Fear of snow

I get nervous when people start calling for safety over sanity. Have you ever read the warning labels companies are forced to affix to a product? All that “research”, legal mumbo-jumbo and added paper costs you money. These are but a couple…

  • “Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet.” — In the information booklet.
  • “Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish.” — On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.
  • “For external use only!” — On a curling iron.
  •  “Do not drive with sunshield in place.” — On a cardboard sunshield that keeps the sun off the dashboard.
  • Label (on website): Do not eat.
    Product: Apple’s iPod shuffle

Continue reading Have We Traded Sane For Safe?

A Friend Falls In His Life

ForgiveWhen I was a child I had a friend. A year older than me I met him through school when I moved to the small rural community. He and I had a lot of similar hobbies and interests. Recently I was reading about his death.

The topic of his death came up in a Facebook  thread I had been looking at. Someone was complaining about the past. About school, about teachers and parents. As I watched what I realized was this person was looking for a wrong to be righted.

My friend did not just die. He died many years ago. Over 40 years ago. The people on the thread wanted to extract justice from people who were dead. People who had done things to them. To others. Continue reading A Friend Falls In His Life