Category Archives: Lee Johndrow

Why Do You Believe?


Question-marksWhy do I believe?

I ask myself that a lot. Not just about Christ, but about everything.

As a child I grew up with a lot of fear, depression and discouragement. I developed responses to things and people that kept me from others and set me on a path that as one prophetic voice said to “had not God intervened you would be dead”. Continue reading Why Do You Believe?

Reaching Out Into The Darkness

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Today while driving into work I was thinking that if I disappeared, would people know. Would I be missed? How long would it take?

I remember many years ago I was challenged with the imprisonment of a pastor who was in jail in China for “crimes against the state”. Daily people were reaching out in prayer. And one day, some 20 years later, he was released.

Hundreds if not thousands appeared to welcome him. This group of people had met daily to pray for his release. Daily! What is even more important is no one had seen him for all those years. I remember thinking at that time, how many just disconnect, losing touch after weeks, months and at best, years. Please hear me this is not a condemnation thing. It is an observation. (And I have done it. “Out of sight, out of mind.” It is not healthy.) Continue reading Reaching Out Into The Darkness

Self Control Is Waiting To Ripen

leejohndrowteamOne of the things we do not like to speak about in the church, is discipline. (And it seems like when we have, it is steeped with condemnation.)We don’t like it because it places a requirement on us. But self discipline falls under the same heading or meaning as self control. And God likes it!

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Continue reading Self Control Is Waiting To Ripen

Environmental Concerns

What if...
What if…

The last few days since the rioting in our community on Saturday, I began a series of what changes a child to cause them to go do wrongful things. I want to know why things happen. I want to examine cause and effect. One of the things I run into on a regular basis is what I can only call “environmental concerns”. Just as I have begun to examine the life of a child and show the march that leads to moral bankruptcy, I often examine everything. I was “that” kid who asked why at every corner. Not only did I plague my parents and grandparents, but I often caused discomfort amongst teachers and educators. (If you could not tell me the “why” I would find out. And I grew up with the wild expectation you ought to be able to show me.) When I wanted my science project to be a rabbit living under the water and they told me know, that was not the right thing, I assure you. I did it anyways. I would go to museums and questions docents about everything. Yep, I was definitely that kid.

Don’t you want to know “why Johnny can’t read”? I do.

I have been the same with God. I am looking for answers. I want to know why somethings work and why others don’t. I do it at work, church and at home. I answer questions with questions to get to the root of things.

So, why is this important? Because our response to things creates and environment. Our knowledge of things determines our walk, our pathway.

What creates environment in the natural? It is a host of things, but essentially geography, climate and weather and whatever is in the ground. If you live further north it is cooler. Further south warmer until you hit the equator. If you are near water like a lake or an ocean you air quality has more moisture. Near a desert, less moisture. And natural chemicals can cause disturbances in the air or the atmosphere. Things that cause problems are called environmental concerns. A factory chugging out black smoke. Chemicals in the water. Get rid of the concerns and you are environmentally sound.

Our world in the spirit is much the same. Things that begin in the spirit manifest in the natural. Healing is of God for instance. Paid for by Him with 39 stripes. If healing and wholeness are in heaven and we can manifest it here on earth(As it says in the scripture.) we change the environment.

We do contend with natural factors. Some years ago I was in my home breathing. The next I wasn’t. It was determined that black mold had overtaken my home from contractor error and changed the air quality. Environmentally changed my home. (We could not stem the damage that had been done and lost our home.)

If you allow too much noise in your life your sleep patterns will be disrupted. Sleep is an important part of good health, both natural and spiritual. A house filled with smoke would cause fits of coughing.

The same is true with evil or destructive things. If you continue to yell at someone (Or be yelled at.) you will change their spiritual atmosphere or be changed yourself. Many things affect a spiritual environment. They might be anger or rudeness. Perversity or lust. Addiction or jealousy. Gossip or tale bearing.

Where does one begin on the environmental concern list? I believe you first take authority over you. Remove the destruction. If you are addicted or angry, hand it over to the Lord. Begin to partner with Him. First and foremost with the knowledge He set you free. Begin to allow the cleansing of the Lord to take place. Secondly you will want to work on your physical living space. Too often we allow things to come in, both spiritual and natural into our living space and it changes the atmosphere of our home. Again, by the leading and instruction of the Lord. And after that we get to undertake community.

I mentioned that geography is one of the determining factors of environment. And so it is with spirituality. To know you are seated in heavenly or high places is important. It determines your response to things. It is not necessarily an elevation or height, so much as it is a dimension (For it is at hand.)or a place. We are told heaven is in us and about us. Knowing you are seated is important. It is one of the beginning factors for overturning natural environments.

Climate is another factor. What we are near or live by spiritually is important to our environment. What about that river of life? What about that wellspring? What are the attitudes or standards of those about you? That is climate as well.

And finally what is the weather? What is in the air? (Remember we are talking spiritual.) What is changing it? Is it a cool rain or warm breeze? Or is it coldness or arid airs? What are people placing in the “air”?

The other day a friend of mine asked this question, “if you could choose between 65 degree weather year round and what we have now (all seasons including our winters) what would you pick?” My answer is founded on heaven. What does heaven look like? Can we establish that here?

The rioting has brought anger, rudeness, discouragement and more. Someone needs to change it. How do we change it? First ourself. Then our home and then we enter the community.

When I was in school one of my projects was the impact of chemicals in the environment. I followed city buses, climbed smoking stacks and took water samples from local rivers. Things were affected? Died even. The same is true with spiritual things. Allowing spiritual harshness on any level begins to change your chemistry, your makeup. Think long and hard before you succumb to jealousy or anger. Gossip or talebearing.

The kingdom of God is at hand. It can change the weather, the climate and of course, the environment.

This License Set You Free

leejohndrowteamI found myself having another technology dream last night. (For those who want to hear from God, we often hear where we are at as opposed to where we could be…) In the dream I was dealing with a client over his “Microsoft Licensing”. Now in the real world of tech, this is perhaps one of the greatest “jungles” I encounter on a daily basis. Make a mistake in business and it can cost you $5,000 per incident, plus possible jail. And it is “convoluted” on a certain level with lots of rules. But that aside, in my dream the client was facing a software audit. (Like an IRS audit, it determines compliance and such.) My client was concerned. Continue reading This License Set You Free

A Springboard To Faith

heargod2This has been a week where faith has become the big topic. (Well, that and don’t let fear rock your boat.)For me one of my widest read articles this month was my article on faith. Faith is somewhat the “holy grail” of the church. People talk about it like it is mystery. And yet, at it’s core it is simply believing that which you see to be truth. Continue reading A Springboard To Faith

Walking Into The Darkness

2014-10-18 09.54.07I awoke to a city that had been under siege. Well into the night, SWAT, National Guard and Emergency risked their lives and injury to prevent rioting from a group that have no true understanding of life. As the city made national news and tweets and Facebook posts flooded the cyberscape, my heart grew heavy. (The last time I encountered this was during the flooding of Irene in 2011.) My heart was challenged. Continue reading Walking Into The Darkness

Stop, Drop And Roll – It Time To Overcome The Fire Of Fear!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

A few nights ago, I was questioning my “existence”. I was not discouraged or depressed, but I definitely felt like there was a rabbit hole of sorts about me. My wife was away and God and I were having a pow wow about my life. Perhaps I had pulled out my checklist at some point. “This is good. This…not so much. This I do well. This is I stink at. Etc…” “Why am I here?” My “WISE” had turned to “WHYS”. Not necessarily the “bestest” of places to be. But I had to work through it. Continue reading Stop, Drop And Roll – It Time To Overcome The Fire Of Fear!

Are You Frustrating Or Frustrated?

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

In my dream the young man donned all his protective gear. He started his chain saw. I quickly looked around. What was he going to cut down? There was no tree. He walked towards the pole. I sat there dazed. “What was he going to do” I wondered. As he cut into the pole and wires began to shake people began to scream and yell. While some moved away, others were moving towards him. They grabbed the man as the pole now leaned under the weight of the wires. Continue reading Are You Frustrating Or Frustrated?

A New Version Is Being Released

leejohndrowteamMy dream began with a gathering of people. As I watched, each of them was either using a laptop (Does that sound old?), cell phone or tablet. They were getting involved in a new media program. But as time went on, I heard various folks saying things like “I can’t use this” or “what? This just stopped”. Others were explaining to them that the problem was not the new download but was in fact the need for a newer version of the software that was running. And that conversation began to separate people. Quickly. Voices rose. People walked off. Frustration, anger, bewilderment. Continue reading A New Version Is Being Released