Tag Archives: community

I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

“I am independent. I am independent.” What does that even mean?

Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, someone wants to confront me, discuss with me or blast me about independence. Whether it is school children, parents, business folks or politicians, it is there. Independence. Each day I read stories about the very fact of independence. Continue reading I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…

Where You Live? Important!

leejohndrowteamThis morning while I was working on something else, I saw a situation occur in the spirit. I was simply typing along and it happened. For years I have been a believer in where you are is important. It is not that you can not be “blessed” where you are but what if God has you for a greater season or a better opportunity? Are you letting your present comfort preempt God’s plan for you? Too often we use the word “wisdom” to describe “fear of change”… Continue reading Where You Live? Important!

Community Is Prophecy Activated

amy dadThe prophetic is exciting. One of the best gifts the Lord has presented to us. Yes, He shared it through a people He calls prophets (Ephesians 4:11) but He also caused people to become prophetic by becoming one with them. People now had the ability to prophesy. Continue reading Community Is Prophecy Activated

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Everything!

leejohndrowteamThis morning I awoke thinking of many things. Not to meditate on negatives or “what ifs” but to plumb the depth of my heart for love. Are people getting it? Is it there? Kind of a “how am I doing” exercise.

I lost an old friend yesterday. I received the call late last night from a friend who thought I would want to know. That was one of my thoughts this morning. Thoughts about my children and grandchildren. Thoughts about work. Continue reading What’s Love Got To Do With It? Everything!

Perfect Love In Imperfect People

leejohndrowteamLast night I had the opportunity to participate in a fun time called “Guess who is coming to dinner”? A number of people chose to be the hosts. Other people agreed to be guests. The lady who thought about doing this put all the names of the guests in a hat. As she picked the people she assigned them to the next host on the list. Guests brought food and hosts had their homes ready. Amazing! So much fun. Continue reading Perfect Love In Imperfect People

Transformation Changes Everything

Lee Johndrow
Lee Johndrow

The last week has been interesting in the fact that it is so foreign to me. Things that are occurring and happening are not things I am used to encountering. So hearing a variety of view points is interesting.

One of the topics this week had to do with responsibility. When something occurs who is responsible? Where does accountability fall? You would be amazed at the answers! Folks, I come from the place, “you jump over the candle and burn your butt you wear the blister”. With that said I am seeing more and more people without a clue. Living life thinking the world owes them a living. Common decency seems to be slipping away. (But I know we can change it!) Continue reading Transformation Changes Everything

Alignment And Where We Are Headed

My friend Pat and I are fellow prophets. We function in the grace given by God  in Ephesians 4:11 as prophets. And yet, we are by far different in our  words, our demeanor and our process. Still we are great friends. Some  years ago, another friend described us as Zechariah and Habakkuk.

puzzle pieeA few months ago, I tabled the idea that we ought to pick a topic and write  on it. Not talk to one another about it but write our thoughts out and  share our sides, our thoughts and our voices. Finally we have done it!

The topic? Alignment…
Continue reading Alignment And Where We Are Headed

Personal Responsibility Belongs To Someone

leejohndrowteamWhile much of the news and social media feeds is consumed with thoughts on bad movies, yoga pants and Speedos, the fact of the matter ought to go all the way back to the simple question of why. Why do we flame others over their thoughts and opinions? Why do we care? And maybe we can jump to “how did they arrive at that thought” or conclusion. Continue reading Personal Responsibility Belongs To Someone